Anti-Semitic Art: Renaissance Alison Rosoff
Background Information Renaissance Era was from 1450 to 1600’s. The Era began with the end of the 100 years war and the fall of the Byzantine Era. King Ferdinand V strengthened the alliance with the Catholic Church once he became King in 1474 and his rule ended in King Ferdinand V ruled over Castile, León, Aragón and Sicily, and later Granada.
After being crowned, the Spanish Nationalism and Catholicism became interwoven and resulted in the Spanish Crusuades for Sangre Limpia, which means “pure blood” or White Christian. King Ferdinand V contributed to the monarchy which was led by Tomas de Torquemada. He launched a Holy Inquisition in 1481 to ban all religions other than Roman Catholicism. Tomas de Torquemada was named “Grand Inquisitor” He targeted Jews and Conversor (Jews who convert to Christians)
In 1492 the expulsion of all Jews from Spain was announced by King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabel. In August 1492, the last ship set sail to leave Spain. Over 150,000 Jews left Spain.
Many people didn’t know the Catholic Priests secretly hired “butchers” during the Spanish Inquisition to torture whoever would not idolize their idol, the Catholic Mary. Painting by Fra Angelico
15 th Century Art Art in the 15th century portrayed religious paintings such as the Virgin Mary. Many paintings also entailed scenes of churches and other religious figures. Art was a magnificent and crude object at the time. Many artists did anti-Semitic works of art because of events happening in the time period. Artists did not want to go against Christian beliefs so they portrayed Jews in “humorous” ways.
A 15th century German woodcut showing an alleged host desecration. 1: the hosts are stolen 2: the hosts bleed when pierced by a Jew 3: the Jews are arrested 4: they are burned alive.
Martyrdom of Saint Simonino from Trento School of Niklaus Weckmann, ''Martyrdom of Saint Simonino'', , polychrome wood, cm. 79 x 109, Museo Diocesano Trentino, Trento (Italy).
Regensburg Judensau Judensau is German for “Jew’s sow” or “Jewish sow” The Cathedral of Regensburg is a monument. It displays a Judensau sculpture that shows a vulgar depiction of what Christians thought of Jews. It faces the former Jewish quarter at the Neupfarrplatz.
A wall painting on the bridge tower of Frankfurt am Main. It was constructed between 1475 and The upper panel illustrates a child subjected to a blood libel case. The lower panel shows the devil on looking while the Jewish men have sex with the pig. The picture is a ridicule of all the Jews and what they stand for.
This 15 th century artwork (unknown artist) depicts three Jewish peasants going to the market to buy or sell items.
Paolo Uccello 1397 to 1475 Paolo Uccello was an Italian painter. His use of perspective to create depth in his paintings became famous. He painted stories.
Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 1)
Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 2) Paolo Uccello, The Miracle of the Desecrated Host, , panel 2. Blood libels.
Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 3)
Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 4)
Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 5)
Miracle of the Desecrated Host (Scene 6)
Painted by Francisco de Goya. As a tribute of the Inquisition. The Tribunal of the Inquisition by Francisco de Goya.
Discussion Questions! What is your opinion on Anti-Semitic Art? Compare Anti-Semitic 15 th century art to modern day art, how is it similar and/or different? What has changed? Anti Semitics is expressed in other ways; why is artwork one of the most important?