Governmental policies in online and open education Darco Jansen SEQUENT Consultation Session, Slovenia, 9 March 2015
Governmental Policies in Online and Open Education in Europe EUA study EADTU / HOME study POERUP country study Barriers for learners About OpenupEd
Gaebel, M., Kupriyanova, V., Morais, R. & Colucci, E. (2014). E-learning in European Higher Education Institutions: Results of a mapping survey conducted in October-December
Jansen, D. & Schuwer, R. (2015). Institutional MOOC strategies in Europe Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in October - December EADTU – HOME project ents/Publications/OEenM/In stitutional_MOOC_strategies _in_Europe.pdf
Institutions versus Governments A large majority (between 65% and 80%) of institutions indicates that many macro divers are relevant or highly relevant for their institution. Not seen as that important are i)new method in big business ii)reduce the costs of HE and iii)increasing shared services and unbundling. Institutions expect that their governmental involvement with MOOCs are mainly driven by a)need for (e-)skills and jobs, b)improving the quality of learning and c)globalization and internationalization.
Thank you!!! Coordinator