What research wants Lee Rainie Director, Internet, Science, Technology Research Research Institute for Public Libraries July 27,
3 “Tweckle (twek’ul) vt. To abuse a speaker to Twitter followers in the audience while he/she is speaking.”
4 we need a tshirt, "I survived the keynote disaster of 09" it's awesome in the "I don't want to turn away from the accident because I might see a severed head" way too bad they took my utensils away w/ my plate. I could have jammed the butter knife into my temple.
Your 6 big questions 1.What’s the future of personal enrichment and entertainment? 2.What’s the future of pathways to knowledge (reference expertise)? 3.What’s the future of public technology and community anchor institutions? 4.What’s the future of learning “spaces”? 5.What’s the future of attention (and its structural holes)?
Q6: Where do you fit on the continuum? ALA’s “Confronting the Future”“Confronting the Future” Totally physical (facilities and media) Individual focus Collection library (physical and virtual) Archive Everything for everyone Totally virtual (facilities and media) Community focus Creation library (social, maker space) Portal Specialized niche
What your research wants 1.Actionable insights Help with making your point / metrics of impact 2.Predictive power Help with designing your strategy 3.Humility and Honesty Building trust I 4.Transparency Building trust II 5.Replicability / Falsifiability / Comparability Building trust III
What we know: Our previous findings libraries.pewinternet.org People think libraries are important, especially for communities People like and trust librarians People think libraries level of the playing field for those without vast resources People think libraries provide services that are hard to get elsewhere People believe libraries have rebranded themselves as tech hubs
Capstone: Library User (and Non-User) Typology
How you can make our user typology your user typology libraries.pewinternet.org libraries.pewinternet.org
Our most recent survey findings and the basis for our forthcoming report: Libraries at the crossroads
Assessments of libraries
If your local public library CLOSED, would that have a MAJOR impact, MINOR impact or NO IMPACT on …
Do you think public libraries have done a good job keeping up with new technologies, or not? % of those ages 16+ Women, ages 65+, HS grad+
How effective do you think libraries in your community are at promoting literacy and a love of reading to people? % of those ages 16+ Women, African- Americans, Latinos, ages 30+, less well off
How much have libraries contributed to their communities? % of those ages 16+
What they want you to do
Should libraries move some print books and stacks OUT OF public locations to free up more space for things such as tech centers, reading rooms, meetings rooms, and cultural events? % of those ages 16+
Do something for the economy and jobs…. Many believe libraries should be pathways to economic opportunity, especially when it comes to providing resources for business development, jobs search, and enhancing workforce skills.
Should libraries create services or programs for local businesses and entrepreneurs? % of those ages 16+
Should libraries buy 3-D printers and other digital tools to allow people to learn how to use them to make different kinds of objects? % of those ages 16+
Economy ++ 23% of those who have paid a visit to a library in the past year did so to look for or apply for a job -- down from 36% of patrons who used the library this way in % of those who logged on to the internet using a library’s computer or internet connection in the past year did so to acquire job-related skills or to increase their income. That amounts to 3% of the full population of those ages 16 and older.
Do something for education …. Large majorities of Americans see libraries as part of the educational ecosystem and as resources for promoting digital and information literacy.
Should libraries offer free early literacy programs to help young children prepare for school? % of those ages 16+
Should libraries coordinate more closely with local schools in providing resources to kids? % of those ages 16+
Should libraries offer programs to teach people, including kids and senior citizens, how to use digital tools such as computers, smartphones and apps? % of those ages 16+
Education ++ 78% believe that libraries are effective at promoting literacy and love of reading. 65% maintain that libraries contribute to helping people decide what information they can trust. Among those who have used a public library website or mobile app in the past 12 months, 42% have used it for research or homework help. For those who have used a public library’s computers or Wi-Fi signal to go online, 60% have used those tools for research or school work.
Do something for special populations …. Americans say libraries should offer services to help recent immigrants, veterans and activity duty military.
Should libraries create services or programs for active military personnel and veterans? % of those ages 16+
Should libraries create services or programs for immigrants and first-generation Americans? % of those ages 16+
Other yearnings …. Privacy coaching and solitude
Should libraries offer programs to teach patrons about protecting their privacy and security online? % of those ages 16+
Should libraries have more comfortable spaces for reading, working, and relaxing at the library? % of those ages 16+
Library usage
Went to library / bookmobile in past 12 months % of those ages 16+
Library user demographics % who have visited a library or bookmobile in person in the past 12 months All Americans ages % Men 39% Women 52% Age % % % % % Education attainment No high school diploma 30% High school grad 40% Some College 49% College + 56% Parent of minor Parent 53% Non-parent 43% 46% 52% 34% 49% 56% 53%
More traditional library activities with small trends
Newer library activities – first time asked
Library computer activities 27% of library users, 22% of all those ages 16+ have used computers, internet, or WiFi at the library …. Of them …
Among those who used technology at library in last 12 months
Used library website / app in past 12 months % of those ages
Library website user demographics % who have ever used a library website in the past 12 months All Americans ages % Men 18% Women 26% Age % % % % % No high school diploma 11% High school grad 16% Some College 24% College + 34% Parent of minor Parent 29% Non-parent 20% 22% 26% 11% 24% 34% 29%
People: Serve and Learn – Tech experts – Master teachers in age of lifelong learning – Visionaries for the knowledge economy and the jobs it produces – Experts in sense-making and context – Curators of the most relevant and useful material – Monitors of algorithms – Modelers of lifelong learning and value upgrading
Place: Reconfigured and Repurposed – Physical space is different and sensored / metered – Artifacts are connected and data- rich artifacts – Nodes for “system of systems” with databases and media – Test beds – maker masters – Community information and media stewards – server farms
Platform: Community Resource – Trusted institution and privacy watchdog – Advocates for free and open – Advocates for closing digital divides – Data and collections repositories – Entrepreneur enablers – Civic specialists and gap fillers – especially in learning realms – Credentialing???
Be not afraid