Chapter 17 Sec. 1 Notes: The Renaissance Begins I. The Italian Renaissance (pg. 609-610) A. Renaissance- rebirth. The Renaissance in Europe- a rebirth.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 17 Sec. 1 Notes: The Renaissance Begins I. The Italian Renaissance (pg ) A. Renaissance- rebirth. The Renaissance in Europe- a rebirth of interest in art and learning- occurred between B. During this time Europeans believed that people could change the world and make it better. Although still religious, they celebrated human achievements and became more secular-more interested in the world than in religion. C. The Renaissance began in Italy, since it was the center of the Roman Empire. Italy became very wealthy and could afford to pay artists to create art. Since Italy was divided into city-states, individuals wanted works to be created that would bring fame to its cities. D. Two important city-states- Florence & Venice.

II. The Rise of Italy’s City States (pg ) A. Much like all of Europe, no one ruler could unite all of Italy. 1.)This happened because the Catholic Church did not want a powerful ruler to control the pope and the Church. 2.) And small city-states were equally powerful and wealthy. B. Italy was a perfect location for trade. They often traded with the French, Spanish, Dutch, English, Turks, Arabs, and Byzantines. C. The Mongols helped promote trade in Italy by protecting the Silk Road. Marco Polo, a merchant from Venice, published a book about his travels to the East. D. From Florence, bankers became experts in lending money. The wealthiest Florentine family, the Medici, were great bankers. E. Venice, the wealthiest city-state, was built on swampy islands. The Venetians navigated their city-state by boat and would become great sailors and shipbuilders

III. The Urban Noble A. Nobles moved into cities and mixed with the wealthy merchants. Wealthy merchants copied the nobles’ manners, and soon the children of the merchants and nobles were marrying each other. These families became the urban upper class. B. At first, the city-states were republics. Gradually the city- states gave power to one man to run the government. In Venice, the doge had power and eventually became a group of nobles. In Florence, the Medici family gained power and ruled for many years. C. To deal with other city-states, Italian rulers developed diplomacy- the art of negotiating or making deals. D. Niccolo Machiavelli, a diplomat in Florence, thought people were too greedy and self-centered. He wrote a famous book called The Prince in He thought rulers should not try to be good, but should do whatever is necessary to keep power and protect a city.