Library Services Review Update on consultation 10 th January 2013
Consultation Process Stage 1 – Information gathering Public Consultation via questionnaire Oct - Jan – Online & hard copy Stakeholder sessions with community groups – 14th Nov - 3 rd Jan Presentations to various groups Raised awareness of the review through media campaigns Temporary / ‘Pop-up’ shop
The ‘Pop-up’ shop
The Questionnaire Approx responses – 1310 input into the online portal 615 online and 695 papers copies and counting! Easy Read Questionnaire – 46 returns
What are people saying? Use the service mainly for borrowing books, films, DVDs etc and getting information about local services and events Online services are largely used for looking for and requesting books Main reasons for not using libraries are lack of time and the ability to get things online / from other sources.
Improved technology would encourage greater use Issues with accessibility – Parking, opening hours, transport routes, baby buggies.... Quality & choice of books rated as extremely important to the majority of respondents Location of the library in terms of transport and proximity to other services rated highly along with access to a range of information and the building being welcoming and comfortable
Ideas for the future Quotes from the survey.. “Sell off old ones and sites and merge into fewer better provision 2. Merge a new sea front new concept library with the new museum 3. Have youth new concept libraries in redundant new youth facilities but keep youth groups and involvement 4. use some money to provide a mobile outreach service that helps bring in disabled and old to usage new facilities - team up with relevant community orgs to provide this 5. bringing in rental of space from commercial sector for cafes inside new concept libraries “ Develop the 'meeting' rooms more and perhaps some link up with publishers whereby residents can purchase at discounted rate a book/item they have enjoyed on loan and now wish to have personal copy (library receives commission on sales). use sites for more 'partnership' use and generate income from 'rent' at same time creating a 'one stop shop' for specific activities for residents.
devolve to charities or community groups and supplement with volunteers encourage collaboration with other organisations to the financial benefit of both Expand the closure days that are in place but provide a 6 day service across several libraries. If people are desperate for a service when their local library is closed they can use another Have one primary library, i.e., the £27 million library; close all other library branches, but retain the Mobile Library Services. To get the full benefit of the new library, consider opening it 24 hours/7 days a week with three 8 hour shifts - run a 3 month trial period to test the feasibility. This could create more jobs, and a place for people to go educate themselves at any time of the year. However, the council should NOT be involved with the daily operations of the library
Themes People like the services offered at the libraries Appetite for volunteering - but not at the expense of paid staff Support to explore partnerships but preference for more community based partnerships Developing services for families – encourage / support literacy levels Share buildings with other compatible services; e.g. CAB, Benefits advice, children's centres Coffee shop / cafes popular additions Advertise the service more
Introduce more chargeable events – author talks & exhibitions Modernise the service to capture more young people – Retain some of the ‘old’ and don’t stop having physical books. High value placed on availability of trained, knowledgeable staff
Next steps Phase 2 - complete analysis of all data Develop proposals to form basis of report from the working party for Cabinet March 2013 – Workshop session 16 th Jan to help develop proposals