Membership Survey Results 2006
Distribution across regions Regions 49% (n=630) 6% 4% 3% 10% (n=122) Base: All respondents (1273)Q1.4 % of respondents
Membership of Professional Bodies Base: All respondents (1273)Q1.5 None (33%) Accountancy (18%) Various Others (49%) ACA 10% (n=122) ACCA 4% (n=52) CIMA 2% (n=24) UKSIP 6% (n=74) ACIB 5% (n=64) CFA 3% (n=41) STEP 2% (n=24)
Approved person status & Controlled functions Base: All respondents (1273)/(600)Q1.9 a/b % % % FSI: 60% MSI: 45% ASI: 32% FSI: 29% MSI:45% ASI: 56% CF21 – Investment Advisor (28%) CF27 – Management Investment (21%) CF10 – Compliance Director (13%) CF11 – Money Laundering Oversight (10%) CF1 – Director (9%) Significant Management Function YESNO 24%64% Controlled Functions
Does your firm pay for subs? % % % (70%) (1%) (29%) Base: All respondents (1273)/(949)(2005 Results)Q1.11a/b Firm pays all subscriptions direct to SII (72%) I pay and firm repays all subscriptions to me (27%) Firm Contributes (1%) N/S (1%) YES
If your firm didn’t pay – would you? % % % (30%) (1%) (69%) Base: All respondents (1273)/(949)(2005 Results)Q1.12 Accountants (73% n=22) Consultants (74% n=32) Fund Managers (71% n=141)
Perceptions of Membership Q “How necessary to your profession do you consider your membership of the Securities & Investment Institute?” Base: All respondents (1279) 0 = averageQ1.13 Very BeneficialNot all beneficial (21%) (26%) (24%) (13%)(11%)(1%) Mean = 4.2
Do you use your designatory letters? Base: All respondents (1273)(2005 Results)Q1.8 % % % (59%) (2%) (39%) FSI: 70% (70%) MSI: 61% (63%) ASI: 49% (57%) FSI: 28% (29%) MSI:38% (35%) ASI: 50% (42%)
Importance of new Membership Benefits Regulatory Update SII CPD Scheme Webcasts Jobs online Careers Centre FSI Masterclasses Infolink Annual Conference IT PIF CF PIF OPS PIF S&I Review online London Annual Dinner More important Less important
Importance of existing membership benefits CPD Events Designatory letters PIFS Reg Refresher Regional Activities Conference Discount S&I Review Online Membership Directory Book discounts Base: All participants/users of benefits (1118)Q2.2 More important Less important
Personal membership Benefits Base: All respondents (1273) / all aware of benefit (497)Q2.3 Aware % % % %
Importance of potential new Membership benefits (1 not important - 6 very important) Base: All respondents (1273) Q2.4 FSI: 3.4 MSI: 3.3 ASI: 3.2 FSI: 2.8 MSI: 3.0 ASI: 3.2 FSI: 2.6 MSI: 2.9 ASI: 2.9 FSI: 2.5 MSI: 2.9 ASI: 3.1 Mean scores
CPD Seminars/events Have you attended a CPD seminar in the last 12 months? Base: All respondents (1273) / All who have attended a seminar (454) (Survey 2005)Q3.3a/b/3.6 % % (61%) (37%) (2%) How would you rate the overall quality of the session? 4 Excellent 26% 3 Good 63% 2 Fair 7% 1 Poor 1% N/S 3% Mean = 3.2 (Good to Excellent) % % % % % Time of day more likely to attend a CPD event 97% of members believe that maintaining competence is very important or important