Welcome to Addams! Kindergarten is a fun and exciting year for your child! There is a lot to learn and a lot of fun to be had. Join the Fun! We encourage families to participate in their child’s kindergarten experience. Our schedule always allows for parents to come in and read, help in activities or to just observe.
Arrival The first school bell of the day rings at 8:36am. At this time the children line up by class on the south playground. We (teachers) go and meet them at the door to walk them in. Children must be in their classroom by 8:45am or they are marked tardy.Dismissal School is dismissed at 3:36 pm. Please let us know on the first day of school how your child is going to get home. (i.e. bus, Kids Care, pick-up). If for any reason there is a change in this routine PLEASE let us know in writing, or a phone call. School is dismissed at 3:36 pm. Please let us know on the first day of school how your child is going to get home. (i.e. bus, Kids Care, pick-up). If for any reason there is a change in this routine PLEASE let us know in writing, or a phone call.
Daily Schedule Daily Schedule Seat work Calendar activities Large Group Language Arts Instruction Snack Workshop Writing Read A Loud or Shared Reading experience Lunch 11:30-12:15 Rest/Quiet Time Specials Math Lesson/Math Centers Free Choice Center/Play time Recess Dismissal
Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful All Jane Addams students, staff, parents and families are expected to be safe, responsible and respectful. These expectations are posted in hallways, bathrooms, classrooms even gym/lunchroom. We teach the kindergarten students these expectations and practice them everyday. We use a stoplight board to encourage the best safe, responsible and respectful behavior.
Grade Level Content Expectations The Michigan department of education sets the standards of learning for our students. We encourage you to read over the Parent's Guide to become familiar with the academic expectations for your child. Visit the website at
Snack Please send your child to school with a healthy snack. Examples of foods that have been proven to be effective “brain food” include fruit, vegetables, crackers, unsalted and unbuttered popcorn. We will not allow cookies, candy or chips as snack. These are yummy foods the children can eat at lunch. Lunch The children can choose to bring their lunch to school or purchase a hot lunch. Please read the menu for the month and review the choices with your child for that day. You can send lunch money in your child’s folder in an envelope with their name on it. Parents can pay ahead for their child’s lunches. This has proven to be the most efficient way to handle lunch money. You can send a check to school made out to Jane Addams or go to click on parents then pay schools.
Rest/Quiet Time Kindergarten is a year of growth and transition. Our day is full of academics and play. There is a 30 minute rest/quiet time allotted for the children. Your child may choose to bring in a blanket and/or a small snuggle buddy.
Technology Starting in October, we go to the computer lab and begin learning about the basics of the keyboard, the parts of a computer and how to use it to practice academic skills.
Play Center Young children learn through play. We believe that incorporating play into weekly routines allows for the children to learn valuable social and emotional lessons about themselves and others. We also use Second Step which is a conflict resolution program that encourages pro-social behavior.
Birthday Treats Kindergarten students love celebrating their birthday at school. If you choose to send in a treat, please send in enough for all children. (28 is our class limit) Please keep it simple and easy for your child to pass out. Those with summer birthdays may choose a day closer to the end of the year to celebrate. Please no cakes.
Summer Ideas To help better prepare your child for Kindergarten we encourage you to work with your child on the following skills. 1. Tying shoes 2. Fastening snaps and buttoning 3. Fine motor activities such as playing with legos, playdough, 4. Practice cutting with scissors 5. Coloring and Tracing objects 6. Trips to the library and read with your child everyday 7. Playing board games 8. Playing catch and running games outside
Homework Each week homework ideas for our goals are sent home. Things such as practice counting to 100, writing letters, numbers and word wall words are reinforced. Check Friday letters or the website for more info. Reading with your child every night is vital to their growth in Reading.
Supply List Four pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow) 1 box of Kleenex 1 container of Clorox or Lysol antibacterial wipes $10 for our weekly magazine and to go towards class parties Backpack or book bag big enough to hold their folder and a library book. Gym shoes for gym days Water bottle to keep at table (optional) Please label any and all items with your child’s name. This list may have some additions at the request of the classroom teacher