Needs Analysis Gentry Chapter 2 Summary Regina Smith
Definition Needs analysis is the process by which a system’s needs and goals are identified, and priorities among them are decided. A need is any significant discrepancy between a desired outcome and an observed outcome.
Needs Analysis Process Identify problems Validate problems Formulate needs Formulate goal Reconcile new and current goals Validate reconciled goals Prioritize goals
Delphi Technique A Delphi is carried out by submitting a sequential set of questions, one at a time, to a group of experts who are anonymous to each other. After each question, the data generated by the group in response to the previous question is analyzed and then used to design the next question. Each round brings the experts closer to the consensus.
Critical Incident Technique The CIT involves the collection (from knowledgeable respondents) of real, rather than hypothetical, examples of behavior that are either very effective or very ineffective performance of some activity. The behaviors are categorized and summarized and then related to specific aspects of the system in question. The final list of behaviors can be restated as needs/goals required for the system.
Fault Tree Analysis Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a technique designed to identify undesirable events that may negatively affect the operation of a system. The fault tree is constructed by showing the relationship between various kinds of events that could cause failure of the system. The relationships are symbolized by logic gates. Based on knowledge of such undesired events, FTA provides information for the redesign or monitoring of a system to prevent the undesirable events from occurring. Access to intimate knowledge of the target system is essential to carrying out a success FTA.