E DUCATION F OR A M ORE C OMPETITIVE A MERICA & B ETTER F UTURE “We will not be able to keep the American promise of equal opportunity if we fail to provide a world-class education to every child.” —President Barack Obama March 2010
All students will acquire the same essential knowledge and skills All students learning will be carefully monitored, and will be given multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning All students will promptly receive extra time and support if they experience difficulty in learning All students teachers will clarify the standards they will use in assessing the quality of student work All students will be the beneficiaries of educators who have promised to work together collaboratively to use the practices that have a positive impact on their achievement O UR O BJECTIVE …
Seven months of the year have 31 days; how many have 28? a.1 b.3 c.9 d.1 2 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
Seven months of the year have 31 days; how many have 28? a.1 b.3 c.9 d.1 2 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
Which group of United States Presidents is in the correct chronological order? a.Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant,Roosevelt b.Washington, Adams, Pierce, Jackson c.Jackson, Madison, Truman, Wilson d.Polk, Lincoln, Hayes, Grant A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
Which group of United States Presidents is in the correct chronological order? a.Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant,Roosevelt b.Washington, Adams, Pierce, Jackson c.Jackson, Madison, Truman, Wilson d.Polk, Lincoln, Hayes, Grant A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
The Smith family has a Mother, Father and 7 daughters. Each daughter has 1 brother. How many people are in the family? a.9 b.10 c.15 d.16 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
The Smith family has a Mother, Father and 7 daughters. Each daughter has 1 brother. How many people are in the family? a.9 b.10 c.15 d.16 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. An old friend who once saved your life The perfect man (or) woman you have been dreaming about. Which one would you choose to offer a ride to knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car? A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
Give the car keys to the old friend and let him take the old lady to the hospital. You stay behind and wait for the bus with the man/woman of your dreams. A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
Are You Smarter Than the Assistant Secretary?
Which country has the highest college graduation rate? a.Canada b.Korea c.Germany d.Japan A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Which country has the highest college graduation rate? a.Canada b.Korea c.Germany d.Japan A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
P RESIDENT O BAMA ’ S G OAL “…by the end of the decade, (we) will have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world…We simply cannot achieve that goal without Americans of all ages and abilities going to college and getting degrees in far greater numbers than they are today. ” Arne Duncan, Secretary US Education Department
Early childhood service delivery systems aligned and providers qualified Teacher training programs designed to prepare all teachers to teach students with disabilities All students with disabilities provided personalized learning and needed interventions All assessments accessible by students with disabilities resulting in accurate information about what they know and can do Transition services supporting students with disabilities’ post-secondary completion and employment 2020 G OAL : G AME C HANGERS
OUR VISION: All ED offices owning the “game changers” OUR MISSION: All ED offices engaged in implementing actions to “change the game”
From 1991 to today, how many more infants, toddlers and preschoolers receive services under IDEA? a.44,000 b.104,000 c.148,000 d. 194,000 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
From 1991 to today, how many more infants, toddlers and preschoolers receive services under IDEA? a.44,000 b.104,000 c.148,000 d. 194,000 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Early childhood service delivery systems are aligned and providers are qualified G AME C HANGER #1
High quality early learning programs result in: Significant improvement in early literacy, language and math skills A 50% decrease in the rate of special education placements through 2 nd grade A 33% decrease in grade repetition through 8 th grade A 32% lower incidence of juvenile arrests E ARLY I NTERVENTION W ORKS Source: IDEA data – Part C Child Count 2010 Table Rosenberg, Zhang, & Robinson. (2008). Prevalence of Developmental Delays and participation in Early Intervention Services for Young Children.
Many states do not have a comprehensive and coordinated early childhood system. Multiple early childhood programs administered by different agencies exist. Each agency uses different policies, procedures, and funding streams. There are multiple systems of personnel preparation and/or licensing across the country in early childhood special education. Early Intervention (EI) credentialing requirements differ across all states. Methods used by states who offer an EI credential are inconsistent. The EI credentialing process is complex and idiosyncratic across states. A LIGNMENT AND P ROVIDER DATA Sources: The Center to Inform Personnel Preparation Policy and Practice in Early Intervention and Preschool Education. (2008). Study IV: National Status of Early Intervention Personnel Credentials Think Tank: May 24-25, 2006 in Washington, D.C. (2007). Study V: Analysis of State Licensure/Certification Requirements for Early Childhood Special Educators Think Tank: June 11-12, 2007 in Washington, D.C.
G AME C HANGER #1: E ARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES Objective: Improve services for infants, toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities in natural environments and inclusive settings to enhance their development and to prepare them to enter kindergarten ready to learn.
Currently, what percentage of teachers in the United States are special education teachers? a.3 b. 10 c. 14 d. 27 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Currently, what percentage of teachers in the United States are special education teachers? a.3 b. 10 c. 14 d. 27 A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Teacher training programs are designed to prepare all teachers to teach students with disabilities G AME C HANGER #2
A LL T EACHERS T EACH S TUDENTS WITH D ISABILITIES Sources: U.S. Department of Education -NCES, Common Core of Data, ELsI Table Generator, Accessed May 31, OSEP, 618 Data Collection: Personnel, ideadata.org, Accessed May 31, 2011.
By 2020, over 440,000 teachers will retire 55% of new teachers leave within the first five years 55% of new teachers in DC leave within the first two years W HAT W E N EED 31
Recent research on first-year general education teachers indicates that: 17% did not receive preparation for working with SWDs. Of those who did, 52% classified the preparation as “a little” or “not at all” useful. Recent research on first-year special education teachers indicates that: 80% felt prepared to work with SWDs. IMPROVING PREPARATION FOR TEACHERS
G AME C HANGER #2: T EACHER TRAINING PROGRAMS Objective: Prepare and retain great teachers, leaders, and service providers to meet the needs of children, youth and adults with disabilities and improve their outcomes.
Today, almost 60% of students with disabilities spend approximately 80 percent or more of their time in general education each day. What was the percentage in 1989? a. 6% b. 16% c. 32% d. 43% A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Today, almost 60% of students with disabilities spend approximately 80 percent or more of their time in general education each day. What was the percentage in 1989? a. 6% b. 16% c. 32% d. 43% A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
All students with disabilities have access to personalized learning and needed interventions G AME C HANGER #3
L EAST R ESTRICTIVE E NVIRONMENTS : L EARNING IN I NCLUSIVE, I NTEGRATED S ETTINGS Source: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Data Analysis System (DANS), OMB # : "Part B, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Implementation of FAPE Requirements," Table 2-2, Sailor, W. (18 April 2002). Testimony submitted to President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education Research Agenda Task Force.
Personalized learning emphasizes tailoring instruction to meet each student’s individual needs (including the use of accommodations and assistive technology) (Tomlinson, 2000, 2001) Research has demonstrated that children with disabilities can achieve at high levels when provided appropriate supports and instruction Previously low achieving students with disabilities who struggled in reading and math had significant increases in test scores (Allor et al., 2010; Fuchs et al., 2008; Gersten et al., 2009; Kamps et al., 2008; Mautone et al., 2009; Scammacca et al., 2007; Vaughn, Denton, & Fletcher, 2010; Wanzek & Vaughn, 2010) P ERSONALIZED L EARNING W ORKS Sources: Gersten, R., Beckmann, S., Clarke, B., Foegen, A., Marsh, L., Star, J. R., & Witzel, B. (2009). Assisting students struggling with mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for elementary and middle schools (NCEE ). Wanzek, J. & Vaughn, S. (2010). Tier 3 interventions for students with significant reading problems. Theory Into Practice, 49, ; Tomlinson, C. A. (2000). Differentiation of Instruction in the Elementary Grades; Tomlinson, C. A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms.
Response to Intervention (RTI)… is a way of screening children, early in their schooling, that can help schools and educators identify those who may not be responding to instruction – and thus may be at risk for school failure. The technique allows schools, on a school- wide basis, to provide any student more intensive support–and monitor their progress—than may be typically available in every classroom. W HAT WE NEED
G AME C HANGER #3: P ERSONALIZED L EARNING AND INTERVENTIONS Objective: Ensure that children and youth with disabilities, including those with the most significant cognitive disabilities, have access to effective individualized instruction.
In what country did standardized assessments originate ? a. Finland b. United States c. China d. Britain A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
In what country did standardized assessments originate ? a. Finland b. United States c. China d. Britain A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
All assessments are accessible by students with disabilities and provide accurate information about what they know and can do G AME C HANGER #4
H OW ARE SWD S PARTICIPATING IN S TATEWIDE A SSESSMENTS ? Source: United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Data Accountability Center,
SWDs can meet college- and career-ready standards: SWDs can excel within the general curriculum. SWDs can be prepared for success in post-secondary including college and/or careers. SWDs must be ensured: Access to the general curriculum Ability to meet their unique needs IEPs with goals aligned to grade-level academic standards Teachers and support personnel able to deliver high-quality, evidence-based, individualized instructional and support services. A CCOUNTABILITY : H OLDING A LL S TUDENTS TO H IGH S TANDARDS Sources: Gersten, R., Beckmann, S., Clarke, B., Foegen, A., Marsh, L., Star, J. R., & Witzel, B. (2009). Assisting students struggling with mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for elementary and middle schools (NCEE ). Wanzek, J. & Vaughn, S. (2010). Tier 3 interventions for students with significant reading problems. Theory Into Practice, 49, Common Core State Standards Initiative. Application to Students with Disabilities.
G AME C HANGER #4: A CCESSIBLE ASSESSMENTS Objective: Improve achievement of students with disabilities as measured against college- and career-ready standards, and close the achievement gap between students with disabilities and peers.
Based on the current NLTS study, what percentage of youth with disabilities are enrolled in postsecondary education programs? a.20% b.40% c.60% d.80% A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Based on the current NLTS study, what percentage of youth with disabilities are enrolled in postsecondary education programs? a.20% b.40% c.60% d.80% A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN THE A SSISTANT S ECRETARY ?
Transition services better support students with disabilities’ post- secondary completion and employment G AME C HANGER #5
ACHIEVEMENT…AND ACHIEVEMENT GAPS: EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table A-6, Last Modified: 10/7/2011
Postsecondary Education Category Ever enrolled in any postsecondary school 26.3%45.6% Ever enrolled in a 4-year college 5.2%14.3% Graduated from or completed program at 4-year college 0.1%4.2% ACHIEVEMENT…AND ACHIEVEMENT GAPS: POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION OUTCOMES For Young Adults with Disabilities
Objective: Prepare individuals with disabilities for college and/or career success and independent living. G AME C HANGER #5: T RANSITION SERVICES
“Nothing is sacred except the promise to the child…” CCSSO’s Transforming Education
If other workers only put in 99.9%: 2 million documents would be lost by the IRS each year 500 patients would receive the wrong operation each week There would be 18 major plane crashes each day around the world 17,000 pieces of mail would be lost at the post office each hour G IVING 100% 56
The Future is Bright
How much dirt is in a 6 x 6 x 6 hole? a.12 lbs. b.36 lbs. c.216 lbs. d.None of the above A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?
How much dirt is in a 6 x 6 x 6 hole? a.12 lbs. b.36 lbs. c.216 lbs. d.None of the above A RE Y OU S MARTER T HAN A 5 TH G RADER ?