Can We Count On The Bible? (1) INTRODUCTION Is the Bible Inspired?
Why This Study? People are interested Our confidence in the Bible relates to how we will approach it Are we sure it IS the Word of God? 2 Tim. 2:15 “Rightly divide”, Prov. 3:6, 11:5 cf. Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 12:32
Why This Study? God’s word the standard of Judgment – Rom. 2:16, John 5:24-29, 12:48 We live in a society that doubts and assaults the integrity of the Bible – Can we answer? Can you defend the word of God to those you are trying to teach? 1 Peter 3:15
Why This Study? Because we don’t have to blindly deny the things critics say. We CAN prove it! Eph. 5:17 2 Pet. 1:16 1 Thess. 1:5
IN this study: We shall see that the Bible IS inspired We will examine claims the Bible makes How do we know the 66 books we have are the exclusive word of God? Is the Bible we have accurate?
IN this study: Are there errors in interpretation? We will examine terms and sources related to inspiration: I.e. What about the Apocrypha, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, The “Church Fathers”, Canon, etc.?
IN this study: How was the Bible translated? How did we get our English Bible? Why so many English translations? What’s the differences? Does it matter which one(s) we use?
The Bible: From Greek word, βιβλίον (Biblion), meaning a book or scroll. Found 32 times in NT and 180+ times in LXX In our language the word is watered down. Our definition: What we accept to be the word of God revealed The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments
Inspiration θεόπνευστος, theophneustos Means, “God breathed” 2 Tim. 2:16 That which was divinely directed by God to be spoken and written.
Inspiration The Bible claims inspiration “Thus says the Lord” Exodus 24:3-4 Isa. 1:2 1 Cor. 14:37 Eph. 3:3-5 1 Cor. 2: Tim. 4:1
Inspiration Scriptures claim truth Psalm 119:128, 151 John 17:17 Eph. 4:21
Inspiration Scriptures claim perfection 2 Tim. 3:16,17 Psalm 19:7-9 James 1:17, 25 John 10:35
Inspiration Scriptures claim perfection 2 Tim. 3:16,17 Psalm 19:7-9 James 1:17, 25 John 10:35
Inspiration Scriptures claim completion 2 Pet. 1:3 Jude 3 Gal. 1:6-9
Inspiration Men spoke as moved by Holy spirit 2 Pet. 1:19-21 cf. Num. 22:18, 24:13-14 Gal 1:12 John 16:13-14
Uniqueness of Bible Unique in Unity Written over 1600 years By 40 authors including political leaders, fishermen, kings, shepherds, prisoners, etc. Written in palaces, wilderness, a dungeon, prison, traveling, etc.
Uniqueness of Bible Unique in Unity Written during peace time and war Written on 3 continents – Europe, Asia & Africa Written in 3 languages – Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
Uniqueness of Bible Unique in Unity YET, it’s message one of complete unity from one end to the other Genesis 3 records Paradise lost while Revelation records Paradise regained.
Uniqueness of Bible Unique in Circulation In 2002 (UBS statistics), complete Bible in 392 languages, with portions in 2287 languages and dialects #1 Best seller of all times and at any time Between 1816 and 1992, more than 6 BILLION copies sold!
Uniqueness of Bible Unique in its survival It’s preservation treated with great care It has withstood persecutions and attempts to destroy it It has survived intense criticisms and assaults
Uniqueness of Bible Unique in its influence NO book in all of history has had the influence of the Bible It influenced our founding documents and those of many nations. Jesus, the central figure of history AND the Bible 1 Pet. 1:23-25
Considering the claims and influence of the Bible… …Let us resolve to take it seriously and be firmly persuaded of its message.