Argument Reading & Writing Can you win the argument?
Show Works Cited goes at the end of your paper. Here is the general format:
Does he know how to argue?
Expectation Exceeds Standard 4 Meets Standard 3 ConductDemonstrates respect for the learning process by showing patience with different and complex ideas. Shows initiative by asking for clarification and bringing others into the conversation. Speaks to all participants to deepen understanding of the topic. Shows respect and patience for a range of individual ideas by participating in group discussions. Makes insightful comments and brings others into the conversation by utilizing logical organization and language appropriate to audience, context, and purpose. Addresses most comments to other participants to encourage further discussion.
Speaking & Reasoning Supports thesis with many well-chosen details and provides an insightful conclusion by making many connections between ideas and resolves contradictory concepts. Insightful analysis considers multiple alternative viewpoints (anticipates and addresses potential problems, mistakes, or misunderstandings that might arise for the group. Supports thesis with well- chosen details and provides a coherent conclusion by making some connections between ideas and/or resolving contradictory concepts. Analysis is logical and considers some alternative viewpoints (anticipates and addresses potential problems, mistakes or misunderstandings that might arise for the group).
ListeningConsistently demonstrates active listening by effectively summarizing, paraphrasing, questioning, or contributing to information presented (piggy-backing). Points out faulty logic and ignores all distractions. Reaches a consensus (agreement) with the group to solve a problem, make a decision, or achieve a goal. Consistently demonstrates active listening by accurately summarizing, paraphrasing, questioning, or contributing to the information presented. Maintains consistent focus by identifying and evaluating the essential elements of the discussion and pointing out some faulty logic and ignoring most distractions.
ReadingDemonstrates thorough familiarity with the text by drawing insightful inferences, including ones about author’s purpose. Demonstrates exceptional comprehension strategies by making multiple, accurate references to specific parts of the text to answer questions, to state the main/central ideas, and/or to provide supporting details. Demonstrates familiarity with the text by drawing inferences, including one about the author’s purpose. Demonstrates comprehension strategies by making accurate references to the text to answer questions, to state the main/central ideas, and/or to provide supporting details.
Companies can monitor employees’ every keystroke without legal penalty, but they “may have to combat low morale as a result” (Lane 129). How to cite within an article: Put author’s last name and page number in parenthesis after the quotation.
Let’s Try It!!
Another Whodunit
My High School Mascot: AES Patriots
University of California at Santa Cruz Banana Slugs
Freeport High School Pretzels
CDS Panthers
A Good King? Etching of the Prince of Wales who later became King George IV
What’s a voluptuary? Voluptuary = one who is addicted to sensuous pleasures or given up to indulgence in luxury or the gratification of the senses.
Answer one of these two questions (LIT/RDG): What details in the picture indicate that the prince is a voluptuary? What details does Gillray (the artist) use to show that the prince is a voluptuary?
ClaimEvidenceWarrant (explanation) The prince is not a good money manager. There’s a book on the floor called “Debts of Honor,” which means gambling debts. Anyone who has gambling debts is probably not a good manager of money because spending on gambling results in debts. It is common knowledge that you lose money in gambling. Everyone knows that, even gamblers.
Read and discuss the pros and cons of social networking.
Read and discuss the pros and cons of video games. Are they connected to rising violence?