Section 1: Africa’s Early History CHAPTER 8 Africa Section 1: Africa’s Early History Section 2: The Kingdoms of Kush and Aksum Section 3: The Trading States of Africa
SECTION 1 Africa’s Early History Question: What are some of the methods scholars use to analyze limited data from early African civilizations?
spread in cultivated plants excavation of artifacts SECTION 1 Africa’s Early History Methods to Discover the Past Language Cultural Exchange Other spread of languages oral tradition new words music styles of art spread in cultivated plants changes in climate excavation of artifacts stories songs poems
SECTION 2 The Kingdoms of Kush and Aksum Question: What geographic, economic, political, and cultural factors led to Kush’s development and fall?
The Kingdoms of Kush and Aksum SECTION 2 The Kingdoms of Kush and Aksum KUSH Factors Development of Fall of Geographic Nile River, Red Sea; fertile soil near Meroë Infertile soil Economic Control of trade routes to Egypt between Nile River and Red Sea Lost control of trade routes Political Controlled Egypt; survived Assyrians Taken over by Aksum Use of iron, pottery; built pyramids and temples; written language Cultural
Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 8 1. What types of good were traded in Africa and how did they meet people’s needs? 2. How did the natural environment affect the people of Africa? 3. How did the rulers of African kingdoms get what they wanted from others?