May 2010 Safety Briefing Lt Col Larry Brockshus MN Wg/SE
Overview Mission Safety Officer Avoiding the blind spot Changes to the Safety Program Sentinel highlights Monthly mishaps
Mission Safety Officer Improve Safety by becoming an MSO Improve Safety by becoming an MSO Reduce high profile accidents and mishaps like the ones we had in 2009 Reduce high profile accidents and mishaps like the ones we had in 2009 Hit potty-potty with wing tipHit potty-potty with wing tip Aircraft aborts and runs off end of the runwayAircraft aborts and runs off end of the runway Glider flew with binding flight controlsGlider flew with binding flight controls Aircraft over shoots and rolls of the end of runway with cadets on-boardAircraft over shoots and rolls of the end of runway with cadets on-board
The Role of the Mission Safety Officer Developed as part of the National Emergency Services Curriculum Project Minnesota Wing Revision
What does the MSO do? Conducts Safety Inspections Updates the Incident Commander on current or expected Safety Issues Develops plans for safe operations Briefs Mission Staff on Safety Issues Mishap Reporting & Handling Exercise Emergency Authority to Stop and Prevent Unsafe Acts [ref. ICS 300 – Unit 2]
What does the MSO do? Maintain Situational Awareness Across All Aspects of Mission – Air, Ground, Base, etc. –Gather Information Related to Safety –Maintain watchful eye / Re-check items as day continues Practice Operational Risk Management Encourage All Participants Communicate Safety Issues
MSO Qualification Requirements – SQTR Recap Prerequisites –General ES –MSA – Mission Staff Assistant –Age Eligibility [Not currently documented in SQTR or CAPR 60-3; Presumably still 21 years of age, as previously documented in superseded CAPR 60-3 dated May 2004] –Commander Approval
MSO Qualification Requirements – SQTR Recap Familiarization and Preparatory Training –IS 100 [Online FEMA course] –IS 200 [Online FEMA course] –IS 700 [Online FEMA course] –IS 800 [Online FEMA course]
MSO Qualification Requirements – SQTR Recap Advanced Training –ICS 300 [Classroom FEMA course] –ICS 400 [Classroom FEMA course] –Aircraft Ground Handling Class [CAP NHQ Web Video] –Complete Basic Communications User Training …list continued next slide
MSO Qualification Requirements – SQTR Recap Advanced Training (continued) –Task L-0001 (Basic Communication Procedures for ES Operations) –Task P-0101 (Demonstrate the Ability to Complete a Log) –Task P-1001 (Develop Aircraft and Ground Operations Safety Plan) MSO Exercise Participation (Two Exercises) MSO Continuing Education Exam – CAPT 117 Part 3 Commander Approval
Preventing Blind Spots: Last month we had a van change lanes into an unseen car. A blind spot was the suspected reason. For years, we'd been setting our side-view mirrors so that they gave us a view of the back corner of our cars. –It's been done for generations - from grandfather, to father, to us! We finally discovered something very interesting. –The back corner of the car never moves. – It always stays in the same exact place. By moving the side mirrors farther out, you can line up all three of your mirrors so they have minimal overlap -- and you can see everything behind you and beside you.
Mirrors set to see the fenders Large blind spot Large blind spot Lots of duplication Lots of duplication
Mirrors set with Minimum Overlap Almost no blind spots Almost no blind spots Takes a while to get used to Takes a while to get used to
Changes to the Safety Program Online unit safety meeting recording/reporting – –Training available in e-services – –Online briefing and quiz to make up missed safety briefing – –Tracks participation in monthly and quarterly face-to-face meetings Reports eligibility to participate based on your recent safety meeting participation New CAPR 62 series regs are being finalized New safety Hazard Report Safety
Sentinel Overview Safety – A View from a Mom –Prove to mom that CAP is capable of keeping her child safe. –If you call identify yourself, then first tell mom that her child is okay. Only then can you continue the conversation. –If her child needs my consent for any activity, tell her why –Tell mom about all the things CAP does to ensure that her child is safe in a CAP vehicle or aircraft. –Tell mom about the training facilities and the training personnel –Tell mom about the mandatory safety briefings at every CAP activity
Sentinel Overview Threat and Error Management in GA –TEM is a concept that the airlines have been employing for several years. –It has been described as “defensive driving” for pilots –TEM involves the practice of recognizing threats and errors that would reduce the margin of safety, and then taking appropriate measures to reduce the potential for an accident. –Crew Resource Management (CRM) is the last line of defense against threats and errors.
Sentinel Overview Safety Vests –Safety Vests are required to be worn when participating in ground activities –It is highly recommended that safety attire meet ANSI II or ANSI III reflectivity standards. All ANSI vests will have strips of the contrasting color and reflective material for maximum visibility in low-light settings. –Expect this recommendation to be integrated into CAP guidance
April MN Incidents Cadet twisted his ankle while reversing direction during a shuttle run Hazard report –I observed two wing vans both traveling above the posted limit of 55 mph, with less than one second travel time between them (tail-gating). Both vans were carrying cadets.
Fly Safe