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The Wilderness Fire Resource Advisor and the Incident Command System Incident Command System (ICS) Structure Training Qualifications Position Task Book Wilderness Fire Resource Advisor Training 2007
ICS Position Status for the WRA The Wilderness Resource Advisor (WRA or WFRA) is not an ICS position - IQCS DoI or FS 5109 list Because: Must be an all-agency position, including states Assigned by and responsible to the Agency Administrator
ICS Position Status for the WRA Currently no ICQS sponsored: - Training, Qualifications, Position Taskbook, etc. Resource Advisor’s Guide to Wildland Fire 1/04 (NIFC PMS 313, NFES 1831) NWCG – National Training Working Team Contains guidelines for the general Resource Advisor (READ) position Duties and responsibilities Training Qualifications
ICS Position status for the WRA Future status of WRA position Current proposals: 1)Federal agency sponsored position New WRA position Specialist category within the ICQS Technical Specialist (THSP) classification Specialist category within Resource Advisor (READ) classification 2) No change, continue with agency and Carhart Center sponsored training
ICS Position status for the WRA WRA Related Positions Agency Representative (AREP), if assigned: Assists with Delegation of Authority Solicits and articulates expectations in delegation of authority to IMT Monitors safety and finance of the incident Deals with local politics
WRA Variations and Possibilities Technical Specialist (THSP) Resource specialist (biologist, archaeologist, botanist, GIS specialist, hydrologist, soil scientist, wilderness specialist, etc.) –Gathers resource specific field data and observations for READ –May have red card and/or READ training –Fitness level requirements vary Subject Matter Expert (SME) Provides specific resource information to READ May have READ training and/or red card Fitness level requirements vary
Incident Command System Organization Agency Administrator Public InformationSafety Officer OperationsLogisticsPlansFinance Incident Commander
Incident Management Structure Simple Scenario Communication and Responsibilities Agency Administrator Incident Commander Agency Administrator Representative OR Resource Advisor
The Resource Advisor & the IMT Simple Scenario Communication and Responsibilities Agency Administrator Incident Commander Agency Administrator Representative Resource Advisor
Incident Command Structure Agency Administrator Lead Resource Advisor * Public Information Safety Officer OperationsLogisticsPlans Incident Commander Agency Representative Technical Specialists * (weeds, archaeology, wildlife, hydrology, soils, GIS,etc.) Finance Assistant Resource Advisor * These positions may have additional subordinate field personnel to accompany fire crews in sensitive areas or to gather information for planning and evaluation purposes.
Incident Command Structure Agency Administrator Lead Resource Advisor * Public Information Safety Officer OperationsLogisticsPlans Incident Commander Agency Representative Technical Specialists * Finance Assistant Resource Advisor * These positions may have additional subordinate field personnel to accompany fire crews in sensitive areas or to gather information for planning and evaluation purposes. Subject Matter Experts *
Where does the WRA fit in? Resource Advisor (READ) –Large fires; READ can be generalist –Small to medium size fires; do all jobs –READ can have special quals. (wilderness specialist) Assistant Resource Advisor –READ in camp, WRA in wilderness or both Technical Specialist (THSP) –Wilderness specialist Subject Matter Expert (SME) –Wilderness specialist
Qualifications - Training REQUIRED TRAINING: Basic Firefighter (S-130) * Basic Fire Behavior (S-190) * Introduction to ICS (I-100) * Basic ICS (I-200) * Annual Wildland Fire Refresher * Wilderness Resource Advisor * * Listed in NIFC Resource Advisor’s Guide for Wildland Fire Guidebook 1/04, NFES 1831
Qualifications - Training Recommended additional training: WFIP/WFSA Workshop ICS (I-300) * Fire Ops in the Urban Interface (S-215) * Field Observer (S-244) * Intermediate Fire Behavior (S-290) * Fire Suppression Tactics (S-336) Advanced Fire Use Applications (S-580) * Introduction to Fire Effects (RX-310) * Fire in Ecosystem Management (M-580) * Fire Business Management (S-260) * * Listed in NIFC Resource Advisor’s Guide for Wildland Fire Guidebook 1/04, NFES 1831
Qualifications - Training Recommended additional training: On-line training modules: The Wilderness Act The Minimum Requirements Decision Process Available from: Note – Watch for announcement in March 2007.
Qualifications - Other Fitness Level: * Light: minimum suggested level Arduous: suggested for maximum flexibility Prerequisite experience: * None for trainee position Single resource boss or other fire experience recommended * Varies by agency and by region, state, or unit within the agency
Position Task Book (PTB) Use of a PTB is suggested for trainees See notebook example –POSITION TASK BOOK, FS SW Region –Adapt and use as needed to meet agency/unit requirements Perform duties as a trainee until PTB is completed (shadow a qualified WRA) –Credibility and effectiveness –Safety
Questions or Comments on the WRA and ICS ? Position status –READ –THSP –SME Training –Classroom –Trainee status Qualifications –Training, fitness, ROSS/red card, experience Position Task Book
WRA Variations and Possibilities Resource Advisor (READ): A generalist position and/or resource specialist (WRA): Represents Agency Administrator or AREP Provides overall guidance in the WFIP and/or WFSA Identifies areas of concern, anticipates impacts, gathers and compiles local resource concerns and data Communicates and articulates specific concerns to IMT May provide costs for resources at risk, as well as costs of mitigation or rehabilitation of suppression efforts. Documents and communicates impacts and rehabilitation needs Role varies with incident size and individuals but is spelled out in Delegation of Authority Fitness level requirements vary
Plans Section
Operations Section
Logistics Section
Finance Section
The IC – RA Relationship Simple fire :Simple fire : Agency Admin. - IC –READ Moderately complex fire :Moderately complex fire : Agency Admin. - IC –READ THSPTHSP Large complex fire:Large complex fire: Agency Admin. - IC –AREP –READ THSPTHSP –Botanist, Fisheries, Forester, Hydrologist, Soils THSPTHSP –Archaeologist, Tribal Rep, Historian, Historical Architect THSPTHSP -Wilderness-Wilderness