3. MISSION STATEMENT AND CORE VALUES OF THE COMPANY MISSION Our Mission is to provide expertise in the fields of Shipmanagement and Ship operations to our principal to enable them uphold their market dominance and reputation. Safety: Our priority is to ensure all shipboard operations are carried out in a safe and efficient manner. Our target is Zero Spills, Zero Accidents and Zero Environmental damage. Service: We maintain a team of dedicated staff and will constantly upgrade their technical capabilities to ensure excellent service to our principal. Satisfaction: By open and honest communication with all Industry stakeholders we aim to preserve our principal’s reputation, which results in market dominance and better deployment of his assets.
VISION STATEMENT 3.2 VISION Our vision is to be a leader in Quality Shipmanagement with a market reputation for Zero accidents, Zero spills and an environmentally friendly approach
4. QUALITY, HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPANY To provide a quality assured ship management service to ship owners, always in accordance with the customer’s requirements. To operate ships in full compliance with all applicable international and national regulations. To operate ships, keeping the safety of crew, vessel, its cargo and protection of the environment as the top priorities by providing safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment. To make all efforts to be ready at all times for emergencies, and establish safeguards against all identified risks. To self assess the safety-management systems against listed key performance indicators and aim to transfer best practices across the fleet. To maintain and improve the environmental management system and to identify environmental targets which can be controlled and influenced. To establish an OH & S management system to eliminate or minimize risk to employees and other interested parties who may be exposed to OH & S risks associated with its activities. To make continual improvement in processes and overall performance of the Company and safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ships, including preparing for emergencies related both to safety and environment protection. To ensure that quality of service meets the requirements of the Charter party or contract.
6.2.2 Shipboard Manuals Ship board procedure Manual (SBP) Cargo Handling Manual (CHM) H and S Manual ( H&S) Environmental Management System Manual (EMS) Emergency and contingency Manual (ECM) Maintenance and technical manual (MTM) Company forms Manual (CSM) Main Shipboard Manual (MSM)
Ship’s Safety Officer The Safety Officer must make regular inspections of all spaces in the ship and monitor personnel working practices to ascertain that no safety hazards exist. Company Checklist (F-S-0204) to be used as a guideline for checking. The safety round needs to be taken prior the Safety committee meeting and the any lack was observed to be discussed in the meeting for common awareness.
7.4 EMS MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE (EMR) The EMS Management Representative is to provide a direct link between the Master and shipstaff with the Company on matters concerning Environment Protection.
7.5 OH&S MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE (OH&S MR) The OH&S Management Representative is to provide a direct link between the Master and shipstaff with the Company on matters concerning Occupational Health and Safety matters.
11.3 APPRAISALS AND FOLLOW-UP TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The appraisal reports made by the Master / Chief Engineer, Superintendent and debriefing interview reports from the senior officers at the end of their tour of duty are the sole criteria for re- employment, career advancement and training plans for all officers and crew.
12.3 FREQUENCY OF MASTER’S REVIEW All ships will carry out a Master’s Review in the fourth quarter of each year, but preferably in the month of October. The review should reach the office LATEST by 15 th November each year.
Determining The Risk Rating
13.14 Behaviour Based Safety The Behavior based safety Program (BBS) is a safety program that seeks to minimize incidents by eliminating “unsafe acts”. It intends to re enforce bottom up approach to focus on improving safety standards by focusing on employee behavior and aims to improve the attitude towards safety. For the implementation of the BBS program, form F-S is provided to be reviewed.
15.4 Process Of Management Of Change The management of change process establishes the procedure for identifying and controlling changes which impact health, safety, security, environmental or quality issues. This process applies to all temporary and permanent changes. The entire process is divided into four stages, similarly the Change Request form (F-OS- 0111) has been divided into four sections.