Acing your Interview Andrew Davis Synergistech Communications
Overview Know thyself Know thy audience Communicate Assess the fit Negotiate Relax For more info...
Know thyself What kind of work do you seek? –industry, location, pace, audience, pay, colleagues, tools, etc. What are your strengths? What do you need to earn?
Know thy Audience Understand the job description Visit the company web site. Read it. Read what the trade press, analysts, even employees have to say –,, Business 2.0, Anticipate your interviewers’ concerns
Know thy Audience (2) Show up early –Humor HR; it’s their turf Dress better than they do Don’t forget your portfolio –Customize it for their needs –Be prepared to discuss your role, what you think is good, what you’d do better next time
Communicate Respond to their concerns –Think before you answer –Be specific –Be brief –Don’t ever embellish the truth –Ask whether they’ve heard enough
Communicate (2) Ask tough questions Demonstrate that you respect yourself; expect them to do likewise Let them know you’re interested Ask ‘where from here?’
Assess the fit Do you like them? Can you succeed there? Will the job be good for your career? Will it be fun?
Negotiate Be frank about your priorities –cash, stock, stress, personality fit, benefits, etc Don’t make fear-based choices Do your best not to settle –If you do, be aware of it
Relax Show a sense of humor –Smile and they’ll smile with you Enjoy yourself –You’re much more likeable that way –Interviews are 50+ percent chemistry
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