Child mainstreaming in the European Union Isabelle Engsted-Maquet (Unit E/2 - Inclusion, Social Policy Aspects of Migration, Streamlining of Social Policy,


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Presentation transcript:

Child mainstreaming in the European Union Isabelle Engsted-Maquet (Unit E/2 - Inclusion, Social Policy Aspects of Migration, Streamlining of Social Policy, DG EMPL) Child poverty and child well-being: better monitoring for better policies Brussels, 26 November 2009

The EU Task-Force Recommendations adopted in January )Setting quantified objectives; 2)Assessing the impact of policies on child poverty and social exclusion; 3)Monitoring child poverty and well-being; 4)Developing a common framework for analysing child poverty and social inclusion; 5)Reinforcing statistical capacity and improving governance and monitoring arrangements at all relevant policy levels; 6)Improving governance and monitoring arrangements at all relevant policy levels

Key policy conclusions endorsed by all Member States (Joint Report )  Policies promoting equal opportunities for all and improving educational outcomes are key to tackle child poverty.  Fighting child poverty requires a combination of adequate income support, quality jobs for parents and enabling services for children and their families.  The best performers combine universal support towards all children with measures targeted at the most disadvantaged  Efforts to tackle child poverty will gain leverage from an evidence-based diagnosis of the main causes of poverty and exclusion in each Member State.  Quantified objectives can be instrumental in making a decisive impact on the eradication of child poverty

2008 COMMUNICATION: Main areas for improvement: Strengthening analytical capacity: more and more timely data, a broader use of indicators and targets in policy making; Reinforcing horizontal and vertical coordination in policy making; Strengthening the mutual learning process, including through enhanced use of the main results of peer reviews; Sustaining quality and continuous stakeholders' involvement; Using other relevant instruments, in particular the Structural Funds and community programmes. Reinforcing the “Social OMC”

The EY2010 against poverty and social exclusion Overall objectives of the year: Recognition of rights, shared responsibility and participation, cohesion, commitment and concrete action. Expected outcomes: increasing public awareness about poverty and social exclusion, new partnerships and initiatives, from the local to the EU level, impulse to policy action. Preparation is well underway and most MS have presented their national programmes: Child poverty strong priority in many Member States (thematic priority in Germany’s National Programme) Spanish and Belgian Presidencies very committed to the objectives of the Year and they already signalled their strong interest for furthering EU action in the field of child poverty

Next steps  New data  2009 EU-SILC module on material deprivation includes 20 child specific items: available in 2011,  International databases to monitor child well-being: OECD/EC project  Child surveys: mutual learning on methods, DG research  Vulnerable children: methods + actions to promote data collection

Next steps  New indicators  ISG work programme 2010 and beyond  Social inclusion portfolio: the child dimension as part of the regular reporting  Specific child poverty and well-being portfolio: future in- depth review (as in 2008 but deepened and broaden analysis)

Next steps  New analytical evidence  Seminar on child poverty and well-being – November 2009  2010: Commission staff working paper on child poverty, with a strong focus on target setting  New impetus  Building on strong political commitment and extensive knowledge  Preparing for a recommendation?