Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) 2013\14 HR Briefing Session for Eligible Candidates.


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Presentation transcript:

Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) 2013\14 HR Briefing Session for Eligible Candidates

CONTRIBUTORS Professor Paul Giller, Registrar & Senior Vice- President, Academic Ms Rachel Long, HR Promotions & OD Advisor

INTRODUCTION This one hour session will cover all aspects in relation to the administrative process of the scheme. The session will also provide guidance to assist candidates to ensure that the information supplied in the application form addresses the criteria as outlined. Please see the Regulation on Academic Promotions to Professorships (Scale 2) in the ‘Academic Promotions & Establishment’ webpages of the Human Resources website in advance of completing your application.

ELIGIBILITY Senior Lecturers holding an appointment at UCC and who have completed at least four years continuous service at UCC. Senior Lecturers who have a combined total of four years continuous service’ when their service at UCC is added to service as a Senior Lecturer (or equivalent) at another third-level institution, provided that they have completed the probationary and establishment periods at the closing date for applications. In the case of fixed term contract academic staff, applicants must have completed at least two of the four years at UCC at the closing date for applications. Allowances can be made for applicants who have been on sabbatical, maternity or extended medical leave provided they have completed academic service in UCC in at least two of the previous three years. Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) is a competitive process. The ECF restricts the available number of promotional posts to Professor (Scale 2) currently to 12. Please note that this maximum figure may be subject to change with any additional recruitment or retention and retirement or resignation activity at the professorial level.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE Application is made by completing and submitting one hard copy and one PDF version of the Form P1 (P)(Application Form) which is to be compiled as one document. Please refer to Section 4 of the Regulations for full details The Form P1 (P)is available from the ‘Academic Promotions and Establishment’ webpages on the Department of Human Resources website. The Form P1 (P)shall contain a summary of the Research Portfolio described below plus full details of the candidate’s role and achievements in the Teaching and Contributions areas: A Research Portfolio of no more than 20 pages, inclusive of all supporting documentation, but excluding the publication list. NB: No individual documents will be accepted as part of the application e.g. additional references, grant applications etc. Page limit cited is not to be exceeded Candidates are required to submit three sets of their top five peer-reviewed publications (for assessment by External Reviewers). Please note that it is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that all documentation referred to in the application is included in the overall document and hard copy & PDF must be identical.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE CONT’D Note that Student Evaluation Questionnaires may be conducted by the Quality Promotion Unit, or another independent body, such as a colleague, and the questionnaire results analysed and presented to the Board. Candidates are free to supply other evidence of teaching performance as part of the application. However, examples of evidence of teaching and the analysis of same is limited to 20 pages and is to be included in the Application – there is no Teaching Portfolio. Note: The Student Module Survey is a major source of evidence for quality of teaching Please note that the Quality Promotion Unit may not be in a position to assist with questionnaires at this time however candidates are encouraged to utilise other forms of independent evaluations such as the suggestions outlined above. References – 1 internal Reference (other than Head of Academic Unit) and 1 external Reference. UCC Emeritus Professor can be considered as an Internal (i.e. UCC) Referee for applicants provided the Emeritus Professor had retired within the previous 6 years. Note: Onus on candidate to ensure that References are submitted to the Department of Human Resources before the closing date. No follow-up on this by HR. External Expert (3 national/international): Onus on candidate to ensure That they have not identified the same External Expert and Referee in their application. That they have sought the permission of the External Expert in advance of submitting their application. Note: Any connections of the nominated External Experts to UCC, or to the candidate, must be specified on the applicant’s P1(P) form in accordance with the Code of Conflict of Interest in relation to Recruitment and Promotions.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE CONT’D Closing date for receipt of hard copy and PDF applications is strictly Wednesday, 16 th April 2014 at 1.00p.m. No applications will be accepted after this closing date. Applications and 3 sets of top five peer-reviewed publications should be dropped to Tower Room 1 on one of the following dates: Thursday, 10 th April from 11.00am to 1.00pm Tuesday, 15 th April from 11.00am to 1.00pm Wednesday, 16 th April from 10.00am to 1.00pm PDF’s should be ed to in advance of submitting your hard copy as you will be asked to sign that you have submitted same when submitting hard You will receive written confirmation of your hard copy submission on the day No interview – decisions are made on the basis of the evidence provided in the documentation submitted. Expected timeframe for processing of applications – Spring 2015

BENCHMARKING Applications for Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) will be assessed and scored against benchmarking criteria grouped under the following broad areas (with a minimum score for each): 1. RESEARCH and SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY (70%) 2. TEACHING and EXAMINING (70%) 3. CONTRIBUTION to Department/School, College/Faculty and University, and Community (60%) Plus 4. Overall Weighted Aggregate benchmark (75%)

BENCHMARKING CONT’D Assessment under the Benchmarks will take place as follows: 100 marks are allocated to Research and Scholarly Activity, Teaching and Examining and Contributions to School\Dept\Discipline, College\Faculty and University, and Community. The scores achieved by candidates under each set of benchmarks criteria shall be weighted & combined as follows: Research score x 0.5; Teaching score x 0.3 and Contribution score x 0.2 Applicants must achieve an overall aggregate benchmark score of at least 75% to be eligible for promotion. In addition, candidates must achieve a score of not less than 70% in Research and Teaching and 60% for Contribution. The weighted aggregate scores achieved by qualified candidates shall determine the ranking list.

BENCHMARKING CONT’D RESEARCH and SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY (100 marks – 70 marks needed to qualify) A.Research Outputs (0 – 60 marks) B.Research Leadership and Strategy (0 – 15 marks) C.Scholarly Activities (0 – 15marks) D.Supervision of Research Students and Staff (0 – 10 marks) NOTE: For detailed benchmarking criteria please see Appendix A : Benchmark Criteria for Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) at ent/regulationsonacademicpromotionstoprofessorscale2/

BENCHMARKING CONT’D The following criteria will be used to guide the Board in its assessment of each application: TEACHING and EXAMINING (100 marks - 70 marks required to qualify) A.Teaching Quality (0 – 50 marks) B.Leadership, Curriculum Design and Development (0 – 30 marks) C.Innovation and Personal Development in Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methodology (0 – 20 marks) NOTE: For detailed benchmarking criteria please see Appendix A : Benchmark Criteria for Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) at ment/regulationsonacademicpromotionstoprofessorscale2

BENCHMARKING CONT’D 3.CONTRIBUTION TO SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT/DISCIPLINE, COLLGE\FACULTY AND UNIVERSITY, AND COMMUNITY (100 marks – 60 marks needed to qualify) A.School/Department/Discipline (0 – 35 marks) B.College/Faculty and University (0 – 35 marks) C.Professional, Community, Industry and Public Service Contributions (0 – 30 marks) NOTE: For detailed benchmarking criteria please see Appendix A : Benchmark Criteria for Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) at ment/regulationsonacademicpromotionstoprofessorscale2/

ADDRESSING THE BENCHMARKS Consider each benchmark Highlight the particular aspects of profile which is under review Clearly address the criteria using evidence based examples, providing relevant and, as far as possible, recent examples. Highlight actions and results. Organise the information in a clear and unambiguous manner using appropriate IT tools Ensure that the application is complete and fully complies with the guidelines

HR Checks: Is the candidate eligible to apply? Is the correct format of application received? Onus on candidate Has the PDF been received via Are the two references received? Onus on candidate Are three sets of five publications received Process: HR acknowledges receipt of Form P1 (P) HR opens promotion file for candidates A copy of completed Form P1 (P) forwarded to the relevant Head of School/Department who will be asked to complete and return a Form P3 (P) which is co-signed by the candidate A copy of completed Form P1 (P) and references forwarded to Promotion to Professor (Scale 2) Board

PROCESS CONT’D HR contacts 3 External Experts via requesting a minimum of 6 Expert Reviewer Nominations each Full list of Expert Reviewer Nominations, returned by External Experts, are ranked by President or nominee(s) Completed P3 (P)’s sent to the Board 3 Expert Reviewers per candidate contacted by HR and requested to complete an Assessment Report Expert Reviewer Reports sent to the Board PPS2 Board convene for a 2-3 day review to assess applications PPS2 Board meet to formalise recommendations to the President, Chair of the Board

Notification to Applicants Successful candidates will receive formal notification regarding their promotion after the adoption by the President (as delegated by Academic Board) of the PPS2B report. A promotion takes effect from the 1st October 2014 (following approval from GB & Finance Committee) Unsuccessful candidates will be provided with feedback. There is also an independent appeals mechanism in place. Candidates may submit an appeal directly to the APAB if they have a complaint relating to the observance by the Board of the agreed procedures for dealing with applications.

PROMOTION TO PROFESSOR (SCALE 2) BOARD The President Dr. M. Murphy Registrar and Senior Vice-President Academic Prof. P. Giller Appointed by Governing Body Professor J. O’Halloran Professor F. Adam College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences Professor G. Roberts Professor W. O’Brien College of Business & Law Professor S. Hedley Professor C. Murphy College of Medicine and Health Professor J. Cryan Professor M. Horgan College of Science, Engineering & Food Science Professor P. Parbrook Professor N. O’Brien Secretary: Director of Human Resources

FAQ’s Note: Please refer to the document on the HR Webpages (Questions that Arose from Briefing Session) for further information or Click Here to access the documentClick Here Click Here Click Here to see the document in relation to Code on Conduct in relation to Recruitment and Promotions