12:00-12:30 Participants Arrive 12:30-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:30 Project Status Update 13:30-14:30 User Experience 14:30-15:30 Technical Details of ANISE 15:30-16:00 Future Work and Closeout ANISE Project: Site Visit, January 4 th 2012 Room 2D71 Agriculture Bldg
Last Quarter: Tasks to have been Completed Completion of REST service for 3 sitesY Change to SAVE options for Nanofab service N Display XRD indexing for a selected pixelY Download XRD results Y Refinement of Tree structure for ALS site Y Streams/XMS N SS should provide a rendering of a requested XRD image Y (same as third point above) General “clean up” Y New Task underway: 3D FOXMAS version Project Review
Sustaining SS and ANISE: 1.Proposal for a collaboration with IBM Canada Development of a Streams “test bed” at UWO Development of a new SS site for IBM beamlines at NSLS II and CLS First point is under active discussion with IBM following meetings in October/November (MB). NSERC CRD submission likely; No more progress on second point. 2. Development of joint project on remote mechatronic training with QUANSER Good progress until ORF suspended support program in November; looking for alternative programs.
Sustaining SS and ANISE: 3. FOXMAS Analysis of Laue patterns from medical specimens Awaiting new data from Robarts Research Inst. 4. Extension to ANISE project from CANARIE- Priorities: Extended testing of all 3 present experimentalites ALS: Testing of process XRD by Dr. Tamura-early January Testing with other ALS users in Feb-March. 3D in March CLS: Testing of process XRD by Industrial Gp. Nanofab: More SEM tests from U of T in January. Small changes to software to collect SEM images remotely Refinement of Streams with addition of memory cache and addition of XMS Proposed conversion of Science Studio structure into a platform
Science Studio as a platform: 1.Move many existing SS components to become Applications on a generic platform. 2.Add third party apps in such a way that they have the same status as those from SS. 3.Extend the underlying data model and generalize Web based UI’s and current admin and security functions. 4.Make it easier for ANISE to add new computational sites. 5.Draft guidelines to outside developers to use the platform to create a new site for SS. 6.Create a model project as an example A good model project might be a connection from another CLS beamline that would allow users to move and view their data easily.
Additional Comments 1.The underlying strength of this project may be a form of network that transports scientific data from source to user in a manner that is secure, highly documented and is capable of accounting for all possible transformations to the data during its transit. 2.The speed of the transmission is another major asset. 3.These characteristics should appeal to commercial users of major scientific facilities (if not others). 4.Second area of strength is the transformable computation software that is able to adapt to rapid increases in data volume. 5.These characteristics seem to meet a need espoused by by senior lab personnel managing big science programs. 6.Transforming Science Studio into a platform could help to increase its use by developers who are normally inclined to write their own code. 7.Science Studio may be a good vehicle to link some of the other NEP projects to their potential users.