University School UFO meeting December, 2013. Dr. Elizabeth Brennan, Associate Head for Academic Affairs.


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Presentation transcript:

University School UFO meeting December, Dr. Elizabeth Brennan, Associate Head for Academic Affairs

 Launched Oct through Feb  Parents PK – 12 th, faculty, students (grades 5,8,10)  1541 total respondents  Likert 5-point rating scale; with 27 questions among 4 categories Ratings of 4 or 5 considered positive  3 open ended questions  Overall Satisfaction

 Education 7 questions (…the school provides challenging, coherent, relevant, and meaningful curriculum and instruction for each student )  Technology 6 questions (…the school supports and utilizes emerging technological applications )  School Support 20 questions(…support for student learning that includes alternative learning options )  Learning Environment/Relationships 7 questions (…refers to a positive, cooperative culture for students and adults)  Overall Satisfaction 2 questions  3 open-ended questions

 Quality of education (7 questions) 83% positive Education is rigorous and of quality Appropriate teaching strategies, activities and assessments are utilized to help students learn Curriculum prepares students for next level  Technology (6 questions) 80% positive Students have access to a wide variety… Our school uses technology to effectively communicate Up-to-date technologies readily available

 School Support ( 7 questions) 73% positive I receive informative and timely feedback from teachers The school provides procedures to build and sustain “community”.  Learning Environment/Relationships (7 questions) 79% positive Discipline is appropriately maintained I have a voice at this school Recognition and awards are provided for achievements

 Patterns of common content were identified from among the comments. (like best, like least, suggestion)  Based on the content of the comment, topics were categorically coded according to general thematic focus and pattern of response. Rogue themes were discarded

 Teacher Quality teachers really care about our children and show concern for their well-being  Curriculum/Student Learning learning environment that personalizes instruction to the needs of each learner  Personalization of Instruction  Depth and breadth of Arts, Athletics, and Activities available many activities for my child  Safety and Security  knowing my child is well-taken care of

 College counseling process – too little too late; not commensurate with school of our stature or with processes employed by competitive schools Do more – say more  Discipline; anti-bullying efforts and student conduct; respect  Teachers with sub-par skills, performance and quality  Too few MS extra-curriculars  Clarity and consistency of homework

 Improve/increase efforts in college placement and college counseling – add staff  Develop and enforce better discipline policies and anti-bullying efforts;  Foster positive relationships – student to student and faculty/admin to parents; increase the family atmosphere; be more welcoming;  Increase teacher quality; remove those who are recognized as poor performers;  Increase options for MS extra-curriculars

 Added 2 full-time employees to college Planning staff Integrated all guidance and placement into College Planning Office  Increased/Enhanced use of Naviance (6 th grade)  Added Class-based parent seminars and information meetings (8 th grade)  Individual appointments with CP team (8 th /9 th grade) Develop 4-year plan

 Implemented definitive full-curriculum anti-bullying programs in all 3 divisions  Clarified policies and procedures in a single, school-wide Parent/Student Handbook Spells out rules and expectations Facilitates severe consequences  US implemented student focus groups  Increased parent communication for behaviors occurring out-of-school as well Family proactivity

 Special content section of the Strategic Plan Design engagement opportunities via expanded focus groups and quasi/ad hoc committee structures to suit the audience; Increase opportunities/types of venues and degrees for involvement and representation; Use surveys and interviews to elicit concerns and provide mass audience, high quality and timely feedback on topics and/or issues brought to our attention; Communicate changes and improvements in processes, procedures and services as a result of user input and influence.

 Implemented a totally revised and more rigorous teacher appraisal system  Increased roles and responsibilities of teacher leaders – instructional quality  Implemented a substantive teacher-mentor program in all divisions  Worked more closely with NSU-HR to release teachers from contract/90-day probationary period  Increased the depth and rigor of new employee interview process

 Added higher level options Law 101, 102 and Law Advocacy Science Research and Careers 3 rd year world language at U.S.  Increased number/type of after- school clubs (Robotics, Games for Change, Law Club, Science Club, Math Club, History Fair)  Implemented semester Arts survey courses