DO-NOW Recall what we’ve learned about Teddy Roosevelt. Why do you think that he vowed to the American Public that he would not seek a third term in office? How does TR embody the Progressive Ideals? How did TR re-define the role of the American President? TODAY’S AGENDA- Do-Now & Discussion Election of 1912 Political Cartoon Analysis BRING YOUR BOOKS TOMORROW HOMEWORK- Quiz tomorrow (& NB Check) on Progressivism. Study notes from last week and this week (posted online), Chapter 18, Sections 1-3 Your research, cards, and projects for Friday should be nearing completion by now!!! Tuesday, October 7
1912 Presidential Election
Robert LaFollette “Fighting Bob” Demonstrated the success of the National Progressive Rep. League Senator, former gov. of Wisconsin Arguably the most fervent reformer in the country “Wisconsin Idea” Pure foods, child labor, compulsory education, workmen’s comp insurance … Then TR threw his hat back in the ring…
Theodore Roosevelt “Kicked Upstairs”, Former Republican President, Square Deal, Trust Buster (good v. bad business) "I believe in a larger use of the governmental power to help remedy industrial wrongs...." Lost Republican Nomination to more conservative Taft 1912 election - Joined Progressive Party - Bull Moose - New Nationalism Minimum Wage, Workman’s Comp, social welfare, Women’s Suffrage
William Howard Taft Accomplishments Roosevelt’s Hand Picked Successor, Didn’t want to be President, Really a judge Continued With TRs reforms – Trust Busting (Standard Oil, U.S. Steel), Department of Labor Wins Republican Nomination 1912
Woodrow Wilson Governor of New Jersey, Phd, Reformer New Freedom – In contrast to new nationalism, favors breaking up corporations Rather than gov’t regulation of them. Reforms Federal Reserve System Clayton Anti-Trust Act Federal Trade Commission Federal Farm Loan Act Warehouse Act 18th Amendment Underwood Tariff 19th Amendment Keating Owen Child Labor, LaFolette Seaman’s Act, Workingman’s Compensation Act, Adamson Act
Eugene V. Debs Socialist Party– Workers should own Industry 4 th Try Considered a Radical "Man has always sought the mastery of his fellow- man. To enslave his fellow in some form and to live out of his labor has been the mainspring of human action.... In all the ages of the past, human society has been organized and maintained upon the basis of the exploitation and degradation of those who toil. And so it is today. The chief end of government has been and is to keep the victims of oppression and injustice in subjection."
These men shared similar goals and politics, and yet opposed one another during the election year.
Political Cartoon Analysis In groups, use the worksheets to analyze the cartoons Consider Symbolism Humor Exaggeration What issues were emphasized in these cartoons? Why?
Wilson – The most Progressive? Accomplishments New Freedom- Clayton Anti- Trust (Magna Carta of Labor) ActFederal Federal Trade Commission Federal Reserve System Federal Farm Loan Act Warehouse Act 18th Amendment Underwood Tariff 19th Amendment Keating Owen Child Labor, LaFolette Seaman’s Act, Workingman’s Compensation Act, Adamson Act Limitations – Racial Issues, WW I
Influence of 3rd Parties Populist Party Platform 1892 Check list Nationalize RR Lower Tariffs Government control of banks Free Coinage of Silver - Inflation Graduated Income Tax Government Owned Crop Warehouses Government loans for farmers 8 hour workday More democratic government Initiative Referendum Recall Direct election of Senators Limit President to one term Immigration restrictions Also – Compare Wilson’s Actions with Progressive (Bullmoose) Party Platform