13. Lead the Life the Lord has Assigned 1 Corinthians 7:1-24 p. 1056
A new section Responding to a letter from them (v 1) Paul quotes from their letter. Paul has a positive, counter-cultural perspective on human sexuality. Paul establishes important general Biblical principles.
1. Human Sexuality & Marriage Human sexuality is good. Marriage is the right context for sexual intimacy. Not just for having children. (contra Stoic, Musonius)Not just for having children. (contra Stoic, Musonius) Marriage is the only place for sexual fulfillment. Each should give their partner full conjugal rights. The intended context for sexual intimacy Children are just an added blessing.Children are just an added blessing.
1. Human Sexuality & Marriage... Both share equal responsibility for sexual intimacy. The attitude: “I owe you”, not “you owe me”.
2. Contexts in Marriage Roman Empire: Divorce, unfaithfulness common. Marriage was for having legitimate children Those who are not married: Being single is a good state. It is a gift (v 9)
2. Contexts in Marriage... Those who are married. Stay married. Based in creation, Law and Jesus’ teaching (Gen 2:24, Matt 19:4-6) What if your spouse is not a Christian? You are socially odd and offensive.You are socially odd and offensive. If the unbelieving spouse is willing – Stay Married!If the unbelieving spouse is willing – Stay Married! You are not defiled; He/she is “Sanctified”You are not defiled; He/she is “Sanctified” Creates an opportunity for their salvation.Creates an opportunity for their salvation.
3. Living the Life God has Assigned The sovereignty and grace of God. (v 17) Stay as you are (v 20, 24) We walk with God in the midst of daily life. May has a purpose for putting us where we are. Wondering about your calling: Remain as you are.
Living it “Lead the life the Lord has assigned” (v 17) Married? Be so wholeheartedly! Single? Serve the Lord! Wherever you are: Remain there with God! (v 24)