Getting a B on first 3 pages does NOT mean you are home free When teacher makes comments/corrections/sugge stions, you address them Look at both rubric and paper itself
Proofread, edit, and rewrite 10+ times if necessary to get it right before turning it in Do not end paragraph with footnote No extra space between paragraphs Personal Info only on title page
Some spelling/grammar errors have been marked up but not all Footnotes—indent first line ½ inch Space in between footnotes Can just cite author or title after the first time Footnotes must match Bibliography Do not cite Wikipedia as a source in your footnotes (but you can put it in your bibliography as a source of background information )
Topic sentence must reflect paragraph UNACCEPTABLE: __________ was born on ________ in Atlanta, Georgia. ACCEPTABLE: A number of interesting experiences during his childhood prepared ____________ for the leadership role he took on in the Civil Rights Movement. Correct use of commas needed Weave in direct quotes—and they should only be from a historical person involved in the history or an expert professor or journalist Footnotes—Author’s first name then last name with no comma in between, i.e. Miley Cyrus not Miley, Cyrus
Include Page numbers Integrate vignette and Intro paragraph Ibid. is an abbreviation, short for ibidem, meaning "in the same place” (thus, it requires a period) Must be able to succinctly state your thesis At least 2 Books/periodicals At least 2 primary sources No “no date” So cliché—He stood up for what he believed in