Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Impact evaluation design for: PADYP Benin Jocelyne Delarue - AFD NONIE design clinic 1 Cairo April, Original format and presentation developed by the World Bank SIEF
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Section A: Presentation of project
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Project background & context Objective : Develop agricultural productivity through farming system management Second phase of the project : scaling up –Expansion from to members –Expansion in new communes, new zones and new farming systems (12000 cotton farmers, 3000 non cotton farmers) Activities (2009 – 2013) : –training of 75 new advisers and 525 key farmers (KF) –Every adviser supports 60 members and 140 more through KF (20 m/KF) –Prepare sustainability (participation of farmers to service payment) Counterfactual situation : classical extension services recently extended by Benin government The project is financed by AFD (10 M. €), cotton cooperatives (3.4 M.€) and Benin State (1.4 M.€)
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation RESULTS CHAIN Xxx Impact indicator
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Key research questions Is the farming system management (FSM) service more efficient than top-down extension service to enhance agricultural productivity ? (cf. the causal chain) Who are the members ? Are there spill over effects on non members ? (networks effects) What are the effects at a more aggregated level (village, value chain)? Operational questions –How to succeed the scaling up –How to involve durably the farmers cooperatives in this service provision
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Outcome indicators Number of farms which use farming system management tools/methods –Activity planning –Stock management –Cash management –Credit management Number of farms who apply new cropping techniques Number of farms who adopt new crops and activities Impact Indicators Yields, Costs, Productivity for each crop Prices obtained for crops sold Food security in the family Income
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Identification strategy/method Use the expansion of the program (pipeline method ? Instrumental variable ?) Comparison with a counterfactual situation : top-down extension services, currently extended also Combination of qualitative and quantitative methods
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Sample and data (1) Value ChainDepartementsNb communes CottonAlibori6 CottonBorgou6 CottonAtacora3 CottonDonga1 Mixed farmingCollines3 Mixed farmingZou3 Mixed farmingPlateau3 Mixed farmingOuémé3 Mixed farmingCouffo2 PineappleAtlantique5 VegetablesAtlantique1 VegetablesOuémé1 VegetablesMono3 VegetablesLittoral1 Total1240
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Sample and data (2) Total Advisers Total Key Farmers Total Members Total
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Sample and data (3) Monitoring system of the project (activities, number of advisers, key farmers, members, method use…) Members’ farming systems caracteristics and economic results Secondary data : census, market prices, … Probably : Available data on crop productivity without farming system management
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Time frame/work plan Impact evaluation :
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Sources and finances AFD CIRAD
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Section B: Impact evaluation of project
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Evaluation framework and context [Insert text on framework and context here]
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Evaluation questions Farmers Villages – spillover effects Qualitative : pathways
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Evaluation audience and policy it is trying to influence (if appl.) [Insert text on audience and policy here]
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Evaluation design Intensity of the treatment Full baseline full final, and follow ups Contamination of gates project (productivity can lower prices) Looking demand side on markets
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Challenges and risks Key unit of analysis : the community – need a large number of communities Stratify farmers Rate of adhesion : if too weak, pb of sample Pipeline : how much the people at the end of the pipeline can be good counterfactual – key criteria of how pipeline is implemented (equitable, transparent, accountable) on community Pipeline on HH : the first to register will tend to be future key farmers, more dynamic…
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Methodology Pipeline ? Quantifiable criteria for HH selection
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Evaluation implementation Use agricultural census
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Management [Insert text on evaluation management here]
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Expected results [Insert text on expected evaluation results here]
Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation Expected conclusions [Insert text on expected evaluation conclusions here]