Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda Ethnic Groups:Hutu84% Tutsi15% Twa1% Rwanda is a poor rural country with about 90% of the people engaged in agriculture. It is the most densely populated country in Africa and it is landlocked with few natural resources and minimal industry. Primary foreign exchange earners are coffee and tea. Rwanda is a poor rural country with about 90% of the people engaged in agriculture. It is the most densely populated country in Africa and it is landlocked with few natural resources and minimal industry. Primary foreign exchange earners are coffee and tea. Population – 11,055,976 AIDS – About 6% Land lines – 16,800 Cell Phones – million (all 2008 data)
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda – Rwanda Today Size: 26,338 square kilometers, slightly smaller than Maryland Population: About 10 million National language: Kinyarwanda, French & English Per capita income: US$ 460/year (2009) Life expectancy: 51 (2009) % of population using improved drinking water sources: 65% (2008) % of population using adequate sanitation facilities: 54% (2008) National language: Kinyarwanda, French & English Per capita income: US$ 460/year (2009) Life expectancy: 51 (2009) % of population using improved drinking water sources: 65% (2008) % of population using adequate sanitation facilities: 54% (2008) Hutu 84%, Tutsi 15%, Twa 1% Roman Catholic 56.5% Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1% Muslim 4.6% Indigenous beliefs 0.1 Rwanda: Mobile Phone Usage At a 42 Percent Penetration Rate 13 JUNE 2012 People living with AIDS (2009) – 170,000 (2.9%) AIDS Deaths – (2009) – 4,100
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda
Mr. Weiss Rwanda
Mr. Weiss Map of Central Africa Rwanda
Mr. Weiss Map of Rwanda Rwanda Kigali – Capital of Rwanda
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda The key question is how did Rwanda become a country where such a terrible genocide could take place? In order to answer this question, one needs to know about the history of Africa and Rwanda…..from the Berlin Conference to the Belgians who took over the area we know today as Rwanda. Colonialism and the negative effect it left on its colonies, is a very important part of the story. The following gives you an overview of this history….but just an overview!
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda Twa – Original inhabitants of Rwanda but by 1000 were outnumbered by the Hutus Twa – Original inhabitants of Rwanda but by 1000 were outnumbered by the Hutus 14 th Century – Tutsis migrated into the area and gained dominance over Hutus 14 th Century – Tutsis migrated into the area and gained dominance over Hutus 18 th Century – Tutsis ruled most of what is today Rwanda even though the Hutu’s were the majority 18 th Century – Tutsis ruled most of what is today Rwanda even though the Hutu’s were the majority Late 19 th century Rwanda reaches the height of its power Late 19 th century Rwanda reaches the height of its power
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda 1890 – Rwanda accepted German overrule without resistance and became part of German East Africa 1890 – Rwanda accepted German overrule without resistance and became part of German East Africa Germans had virtually no influence over the affairs of the country and initiated no economic development. Germans had virtually no influence over the affairs of the country and initiated no economic development. During World War I, Belgian forces occupied (1916) Rwanda, and in 1919 it became part of the Belgian League of Nations mandate of Ruanda- Urundi. During World War I, Belgian forces occupied (1916) Rwanda, and in 1919 it became part of the Belgian League of Nations mandate of Ruanda- Urundi – Rwanda accepted German overrule without resistance and became part of German East Africa 1890 – Rwanda accepted German overrule without resistance and became part of German East Africa Germans had virtually no influence over the affairs of the country and initiated no economic development. Germans had virtually no influence over the affairs of the country and initiated no economic development. During World War I, Belgian forces occupied (1916) Rwanda, and in 1919 it became part of the Belgian League of Nations mandate of Ruanda- Urundi. During World War I, Belgian forces occupied (1916) Rwanda, and in 1919 it became part of the Belgian League of Nations mandate of Ruanda- Urundi.
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda As A Belgian Colony: From 1925 – Ruanda-Urundi is linked with the neighbouring Belgian Congo. From 1925 – Ruanda-Urundi is linked with the neighbouring Belgian Congo. The Belgians leave the Tutsi in charge of Ruanda- Urundi. The Belgians leave the Tutsi in charge of Ruanda- Urundi. Hutu are subject to forced labor and the Tutsi supervise them Hutu are subject to forced labor and the Tutsi supervise them 1933 – Everyone in Ruandi-Urundi is issued a racial identity card defining them as Hutu (95%), Tutsi (14%) or Twa (1%) 1933 – Everyone in Ruandi-Urundi is issued a racial identity card defining them as Hutu (95%), Tutsi (14%) or Twa (1%) From 1925 – Ruanda-Urundi is linked with the neighbouring Belgian Congo. From 1925 – Ruanda-Urundi is linked with the neighbouring Belgian Congo. The Belgians leave the Tutsi in charge of Ruanda- Urundi. The Belgians leave the Tutsi in charge of Ruanda- Urundi. Hutu are subject to forced labor and the Tutsi supervise them Hutu are subject to forced labor and the Tutsi supervise them 1933 – Everyone in Ruandi-Urundi is issued a racial identity card defining them as Hutu (95%), Tutsi (14%) or Twa (1%) 1933 – Everyone in Ruandi-Urundi is issued a racial identity card defining them as Hutu (95%), Tutsi (14%) or Twa (1%)
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda As A Belgian Colony: This Belgian attitude, setting in stone the distinction between the two groups and favouring one of them, prepares the ground for future violence (in earlier times racially based massacres have never occurred between Hutu and Tutsi). The predictable occasion for its outbreak is the rush towards independence in the late 1950s. (This is all a crucial part of what leads up to the Genocide in Rwanda)
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda 1957 – Hutus called for a change in Rwanda’s power structure that would give them a voice – Fighting breaks out between the Hutu’s and Tutsi’s (aided by the Twa) and the Hutu’s win 1960 – Hutu political parties win election of – Rwanda proclaimed a republic and confirmed by the UN 1962 – Belgium grants independence to Rwanda on July 1
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda Independence and Civil Strife 1964 – Incursion from Burundi which was still controlled by Tutsi. Many Tutsi’s were killed in Rwanda 1964 – Incursion from Burundi which was still controlled by Tutsi. Many Tutsi’s were killed in Rwanda 1973 – Renewed fighting between Hutu and Tutsi and some 600 Tutsis fled to Uganda 1973 – Renewed fighting between Hutu and Tutsi and some 600 Tutsis fled to Uganda 1973 – Military coup brings about a more moderate Hutu government 1973 – Military coup brings about a more moderate Hutu government 1978 – New constitution-over 50,000 Tutsis leave for Burundi 1978 – New constitution-over 50,000 Tutsis leave for Burundi
Mr. Weiss History of Rwanda 1980 – Rwanda invaded from Uganda by Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) – mostly Tutsi Refugees 1991 – Hutu government agrees to a new multi-party government 1993 – After the Hutu president signed a power sharing agreement, violence breaks out. Due to violence a UN peacekeeping mission was established – Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were killed in a suspicious plane crash which leads to violence on a massive scale and the start of the genocide
Mr. Weiss Rwanda Today