Are you a Carer?
Often, carers see themselves as someone who's simply looking after a loved one or friend. But if the person you care for couldn't cope without you and you don't get paid then you are a 'carer' and you are entitled to support.
1 in 8 adults (around six million people) are carers. By 2037, it's anticipated that the number of carers will increase to nine million Every day another 6,000 people take on a caring responsibility - equalling over two million people each year 58% of carers are women and 42% are men Over one million people care for more than one person.
Carers save the economy £119 billion per year, an average of £18,473 per carer Over three million people juggle care with work, however the significant demands of caring mean that 1 in 5 carers are forced to give up work altogether. The main carer's benefit is £59.75 for a minimum of 35 hours, equivalent to £1.71 per hour - far short of the national minimum wage of £6.31 per hour (Age rate).
People providing high levels of care are twice as likely to be permanently sick or disabled 625,000 people suffer mental and physical ill health as a direct consequence of the stress and physical demands of caring million people provide over 50 hours of care per week
Services To make it easier for carers, whatever their situation, to access information and support. Our service offers the following free support: a telephone and web-based information service providing information about benefits and entitlements, support services, carer’s breaks, emergency back-up, employment, looking after yourself, training opportunities to support you in your caring role and much more.
Services cont. Free Quarterly Newsletter: Care Matters full of useful information, news and articles specific to carers Emergency Carers Support Service: free emergency care for the person you look after in the event you are unable to because you, the carer, have had an emergency
Services cont. locally based outreach workers who can provide advice and support face to face a network of peer support groups Free Carers Discount scheme, sponsored by Oxfordshire County Council - save on high street brands, supermarkets, holidays, local shops and more....
Services cont. Training opportunities giving you the ‘Confidence 2 Care’ and training on Moving & Handling and First Aid, and; marketing to raise the profile of carers, and caring, and enable carers to identify themselves as carers.
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