This is a very important unit PRR will be exploring. Everyone needs to know what to do in an emergency. Knowing what to do keeps kids safe, helps others, and might even save someone’s life! Knowing what to do in an emergency helps kids to not be afraid and turns you a SUPER HERO!
The purpose of the Emergency Preparedness Service Learning Project - to help kid’s learn about the need to be prepared for emergencies and disasters, as well as what they can do to help their families and school community in the event of an emergency through “teamwork”.
The problem: PRR will be investigating about emergencies and disasters that can happen at home, school, or work.
PRR will prepare for different kinds of emergencies that can happen in everyday life. PRR will create a plan for when there is an emergency at school or home to keep everyone safe.
PRR will go through special training for kids to learn about what to do in an emergency situation. PRR kids will practice their plan to stay safe. PRR will train others at school through a special project to keep everyone safe!
What is considered an “emergency”? What does “preparedness” mean? What is an “accident”? What are some emergencies people might face at work, home or school? Who are the community helpers that help people in emergencies? What are their jobs? How do you ask for help in an emergency?
What can kids do to assist in an emergency? Why might “TEAMWORK” be important in an Emergency? Why might “Leaders” be important in an Emergency? How might Emergency Preparedness training help a person for life?
How can PRR help kids at school be safe and prepared for an emergency? How can PRR kids help their families be prepared and safe during an emergency?
Watch and talk about the video song “Be Prepared” by the Danger Rangers! On the PRR website on the Kid’s page.
Go to the PRR website Kid’s page to “Get the Facts” about tornados. Look under Emergency preparedness Practice - Use “Teamwork” to stay safe at school during bad weather. Our first drill – Tornado Drill