WEPS Triads Non-negotiables in our planning are there to ensure we are doing our best to progress and engage all learners: ● Learning intention and success criteria informed by VELS ● Whole class focus (addressed through independent tasks, small clinic groups, targeting specific needs) ● Differentiation (scaffolding, extension, through questioning, different materials) ● Reflection based on the LI and SC
Backward Design Model What do students need to learn? How will you know they are successful? What learning experiences can be used to meet the learning intention?
Identify desired outcome Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences and instruction
Identify desired outcome Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences and instruction Learning Intention Activities Success Criteria
Identify desired outcome Determine acceptable evidence Plan learning experiences and instruction Learning Intention Activities Success Criteria 1st 2nd 3rd
To progress and engage all learners we need deep learning to take place ShallowDeepProfound What?How?Why? MemorisationReflectionIntuition InformationKnowledgeWisdom ReplicationUnderstandingMeaning ExtrinsicIntrinsicMoral ComplianceInterpretationChallenge DependenceIndependenceInterdependence
Shallow – playing the notes ● facts, rote learning, passive learning, covering content, learning is controlled by the teacher Deep – creating the melody ● students demonstrate understanding, integrating prior learning, making connections, active learning, learning is remembered Profound – enables the great performance ● knowledge becomes wisdom, holistic awareness of themes/topics, learning shapes a person’s identity Shallow – playing the notes ● facts, rote learning, passive learning, covering content, learning is controlled by the teacher Deep – creating the melody ● students demonstrate understanding, integrating prior learning, making connections, active learning, learning is remembered Profound – enables the great performance ● knowledge becomes wisdom, holistic awareness of themes/topics, learning shapes a person’s identity