The Turn of the Century Canada before World War I
The Beginning of an Age? Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier: ▫“Let me tell you, my fellow countrymen, that the twentieth century shall be the century of Canada and of Canadian development. For the next seventy-five years, nay for the next 100 years, Canada shall be the star towards which all men who love progress and freedom shall come.”
Society and Manners Victorian Influence Moral strictness ▫Go to church ▫Support Britain ▫Honour, virtue, and duty ▫Laziness was abominable ▫Family support ▫Courtship Suffragists
Society and Manners Arts and Leisure Sentimental art and literature Outdoor entertainment
One Nation, Under Britain Own government, but still a colony (couldn’t resolve disputes with other countries) Imperialists Nationalist
Population of Canada Easy entry... IF... ▫Ethnocentric Eastern Europeans Chinese, Japanese, and East Indians ▫R.B. Bennett: “British Columbia must remain a white man’s country” ▫Head Tax, 1907 Riots ▫Komagata Maru, 1914
Population of Canada Displacement of Aboriginal peoples ▫Indian Act, 1876 ▫Reserves ▫Residential schools ▫Assimiliation
Urbanization Contrasts from growing cities Health problems Immigrants
Canadian Economy Export of natural resources ▫Panama Canal, 1914 ▫Mining Electricity Corporations grew ▫Trade Unions ▫Recession by 1914 Environmental destruction