By Justin Goldman
James Michener Early Life ContributionsWWII Hawaii Quotes Key TermsOther Works Quiz The Drifters
Early Life Never knew biological parents Raised in Doylestown, PA Poor childhood In teens, hitchhiked across country
Education Graduated Swarthmore College in 1929 Taught English at The Hill School, Pottstown, and The George School, Newtown Master’s degree at Colorado State Teachers College Taught at Harvard for one year Macmillan Publishers – textbook editor
WWII Start of writing career Lieutenant in U.S. Navy Assigned to South Pacific Ocean as a naval historian His notes and thoughts turned into his first novel Basis for Broadway and film musical, South Pacific Pulitzer Prize
Hawaii 1949 moved to Honolulu 10 years working on Hawaii Translated in 32 languages
Other Works
The Drifters 1971 6 main characters –Joe –Britta –Monica –Cato –Yigal –Gretchen
The Drifters (Cont.) Torremolinos, Spain All go their separate ways
Contributions James A. Michener Art Museum Medal of Freedom Award from President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities (1983)
Contributions (Cont.) Cultural Social Economic Political Diplomatic Technological
Quotes “There are no insoluble problems. Only time- consuming ones.” “Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.” “The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.”
Key Terms Doylestown- Where Michener was raised and where the museum is located Swarthmore College- The college that Michener graduated from Tales of the South Pacific- Michener’s first novel The Drifters- One of the novels that takes place during the Vietnam War
Quiz Question 1 As a child, which of the following items did Michener have? A. A father B. A mother C. Roller skates D. Bicycle E. Baseball glove
Quiz Question 2 Where did Michener graduate college? A. Pottstown B. The George School C. The Hill School D. Swarthmore College E. Harvard
Quiz Question 3 What is Michener’s first novel? A. Tales of the South Pacific B. Centennial C. Hawaii D. The Drifters E. The Covenant
Quiz Question 4 How many main characters are in The Drifters? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8
Quiz Question 5 Where is the James A. Michener Art Museum located? A. Austin B. Newtown C. Doylestown D. Levittown E. Bensalem