Missionary Churches in a Non-Christian World
What saved my marriage
Recalculate Recalculate for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Matthew 4 Use the right map Orient Let’s Go
Which city? Which map?
Using the Right Map Three different worlds (contexts) in which we live and serve as God’s people Pre-church Churched Post-church
Three Mission Contexts: Three different Maps Churched Pre- Church Post- Church
Using the Right Map Each mission context has its set of Cultural “Insiders” Cultural “Outsiders”
Using the Right Map Who? Where? When? What’s the starting place?
Using the Right Map It is essential to know which one we are in order to serve effectively –Are we cultural insiders here? –Are we cultural outsiders?
Pre-Church Map Pre-Church Map Churched Pre- Church Post- Church
Using the Right Map Church has no identity, thus no credibility Non-Christians are Cultural “Insiders” Missionaries begin as Cultural “Outsiders”
The Pre-Church Map First step in mission work is to become permeable To remove as many “foreign” or “outsider” elements as possible Learn the Language and Culture of the “insiders” Share life experiences Get to know and be known
The Pre-Church Map Three steps in permeation Learner Trader Story Teller
The Pre-Church Map Note: The missionary might never become a cultural insider Get Gospel communication into the hands of cultural insiders ASAP Missionaries focus on multiplying cultural insiders who speak the Gospel
The Pre-Church Map Cultural “insidership” of the Non-Christian continues to play a critical role in the propagation of the Gospel
The Pre-Church Map Focus on the unchurched High engagement with the unchurched Maintain a porous boundary with unchurched Maintain a porous boundary with unchurched Operate with Several Word gifts (Eph. 4) Unchurched → evangelist Unchurched → evangelist Churched → pastor/teacher Both → apostle, prophet Develop Little structure VocationalOrganizational
The Pre-Church Map Potential impediments –Professionalize the witness –Over structure The porous boundary between church and community thickens, eventually becoming impermeable. Cultural “insidership” of the unchurched community gives way to the cultural “insidership” of the churched community
The Churched Map The Churched Map Churched Pre- Church Post- Church
The Churched Map Church is essential to the community The unchurched are cultural “outsiders” The churched are Cultural “Insiders”
The Churched Map The churched are now the cultural “insiders”. Church has great credibility Central to the shared story of the culture Know (shape) language and culture Socially and culturally in charge
The Churched Map Who? (Communicates) When? (It happens) Where? (It happens) What (is the starting place)? These questions are now answered by the church.
The Churched Map The unchurched are now the cultural “outsiders” Their relationship to the church Share the church influenced language and culture Value the church’s role in the society Might be attracted to the church (cultural value)
The Churched Map The unchurched are now the cultural “outsiders” The church’s relationship to them The unchurched are Invisible (assumption that everyone is a Christian) Possibly suspicious (non-Christians hold something against the church or God)
The Churched Map Pastor is a cultural insider (holds high credibility) Knows the language and cultural at a high level Considered the guardian of the culture Local outreach (Jerusalem, Judea) is the vocation of professionals Respected by unchurched
The Churched Map Focus on the churched Non-Christians will come to church to hear the Good News Operate with Fewer Word gifts (Eph. 4) Unchurched atrophy Churched consolidate → pastor/teacher Build permanence (structure) Structured social systems Structured vocations
The Churched Map Potential impediments to Gospel spread –Increased professionalization of the witness (only the pastor can do this) –Preoccupation with church permanence (structure) –Increased concern for the needs of the already “churched”; concern for the lost slowly atrophies.
The Post-Church Map Churched Pre- Church Post- Church
The Post-Church Map The community around the church is increasingly unchurched, more and more reflecting the “pre-churched” context of ministry. At the same time, the church continues to operate with the assumptions of a “churched” society or context.
Which Map? Church and Community Pre-ChurchChurchedPost-Church OutsiderInsider? InsignificantEssential? NoCredibilitySocially In Charge ?
Which Map? The unchurched and the church Pre-ChurchChurchedPost-Church Ignorant of the Church Know and value the church culture ? Church has no role Value the church’s role in society ? No Attraction Culturally attracted to the church ?
Which Map? Church and Unchurched Pre-ChurchChurchedPost-Church No one is Christian Everyone is Christian ? Church Not in Charge Church In charge and Safe ? Church Not so sure Church is Feelin’ good ?
Which Map? Pastor and Community Pre-ChurchChurchedPost-Church Outsider Cultural Insider ? Unknown Known and Respected ? Outreach done by locals Outreach done by pastor ?
Which Map? Permeability Pre-ChurchChurchedPost-Church Missionary&Church Unchurched of the community ?
Which Map? Church’s Goals Pre-ChurchChurchedPost-Church How do we impact the community for Christ? How do we build our church? ?
Theological Education In A Post-Church Era Acculturation--Building cultural insiders Structure Life Contexts & Experience Formal Informal Non-formal
Recalculate! The Post-Churched Map
Discussion What contextual conditions are assumed in your congregation’s future planning? –Pre-Churched –Churched –Post-Churched
Discussion How would your congregation look at itself if it were a New Testament congregation, that is, a small church located in a non- Christian community possibly hostile to the Gospel?
Discussion What pastoral roles are assumed by the members of our congregations? What lay roles are assumed?
This presentation is shared by permission of Dr. Robert Newton, President of the CNH District of the LCMS. If you have any questions or comments concerning this presentation, please direct them to Dr. Newton at or call