Collider Physics and QCD Phenomenology Mike Seymour (based at CERN) HERWIG Monte Carlo event generator –Current version ~ frozen (bug fixes and minor new.


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Presentation transcript:

Collider Physics and QCD Phenomenology Mike Seymour (based at CERN) HERWIG Monte Carlo event generator –Current version ~ frozen (bug fixes and minor new features only) –HERWIG++ completely new framework (integrated with PYTHIA7) completely new parton shower algorithms (initial-state and final-state) revised hadronization model available now for e + e – annihilation and “real soon now” for hadron–hadron NLO calculations and NLO MCs –Higgs + 2 jets at NLO Collider phenomenology –W/Z production and mass measurement ! Emily Nurse –jet algorithms and top mass measurement ! Chris Tevlin –underlying event effects at Tevatron and LHC Resummation of large logarithms –‘gaps between jets’ ! Albrecht Kyrieleis and JRF matching with BFKL a new source of ‘non-global’ logarithms?

Hadron Emission Reactions With Interfering Gluons Physics overview –Angular ordered parton showers –Cluster hadronization model

HERWIG – Hadron Emission Reactions With Interfering Gluons Physics overview –Angular ordered parton showers –Cluster hadronization model –Soft underlying event Current development –Parton shower/matrix element matching Hardest emission Multijet matching –Multiple scattering model Jimmy –HERWIG++

HERWIG++ –Class structure –New parton shower algorithm –Improved cluster fragmentation model –New underlying event model “Jimmy+Ivan” –e+e– version available now –Basic hadronic processes (Drell–Yan, QCD 2!2) “this year” –Full HERWIG functionality “next year” –Work on Fortran HERWIG rapidly ramping down

HERWIG-related phenomenology Underlying events: HERA ! Tevatron ! LHC ? –Four new models! W/Z pt distributions and the W mass measurement –Emily Nurse (DØ student)


NLO Jet Calculations S.Catani, MHS: Nucl.Phys.B485(1997)291; SC, S.Dittmaier, MHS & Z.Trocsanyi NPB627(2002)189 –Subtraction method, based on –Universal (dipole) factorization theorem Implemented in –EVENT2, DISENT, ORIENT (MHS) –NLOJET++ (Zoltan Nagy) –MCFM (John Campbell and Keith Ellis) Single framework for NLO implementations of all ‘femtobarn’ processes at Tevatron Ideal starting point for universal implementation of

Jet Algorithms Cone vs cluster algorithm MHS, Z.Phys.C62(1994)127 Top mass reconstruction as a test case Update in progress (Chris Tevlin, ATLAS student) Cluster Cone

Resummation of Large Logarithms Event shape cross sections »  s n log 2n Non-global event shapes and non-global logs (Dasgupta and Salam, Phys.Lett.B512(2001)323; JHEP0203(2002)017) Interjet observables, rapidity gaps (R.B.Appleby and MHS, JHEP0309(2003)056) Work in progress –More non-global contributions? –Resummation of non-global logs? –Application to exclusive diffractive Higgs production…