By Vivian Tsai
Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. For example, carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels, resulting in heat being trapped on the Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.
Green Jobs and Clean Energy: Choose renewable energy. Power from wind, solar and other clean sources. Fuel efficient cars – use less gasoline then other cars to travel the same distance. When less gasoline is burned, less carbon dioxide ends up in the atmosphere.
Solar energy - A kind of energy that is generated from the sun. This energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation, and it is not only hygienic but also renewable and costs nearly nothing. Wind energy - Produced by using wind turbines. When wind turns the blade in the turbine, it spins a shaft which is connected to a generator and makes electricity. This process emit no air pollutants and greenhouse gases.
Hybrid vehicles- A hybrid vehicle uses two or more distinct power sources to power the vehicle. It is most commonly refers to hybrid electric vehicles(HEVs). HEVs are fuel efficient because it consume less fuel, instead, they typically uses electricity as their second source of power.
Public Transportation – The widespread usage of the public transportation has a significant effect on reducing the environmental pollution. Restrictions on cutting down trees – As we all know, trees and other plants go through the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, trees absorb sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen.
Consume smarter- Choose vegan meals Reuse and recycle more Buy minimally packaged goods Reduce your use of paper Buy locally grown products Saving energy- Use compact fluorescent bulbs or LED bulbs Unplug unused electronics Run dishwasher and washing/drying machine with full load
Cloud whitening towers- Scientists are designing skyscrapers which are suppose to whiten the clouds so the painting would be able to reflect enough heat to stop global warming Artificial trees- Artificial trees pull carbon dioxide 1000 times faster than a real tree. Once carbon dioxide is collected by the tree, it is then converted to a liquid by exposing to humidity. When this liquid is combined with water and energy, the resulting combination can be used to manufacture synthetic fuels.
Recently, Audi has just created a new diesel fuel made from just water and carbon dioxide. If this fuel can be well utilized, we might be able to take lots of the greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere, since some of the carbon dioxide is captured directly from the ambient air. This new synthetic diesel are superior to fossil fuel, and the lacks of sulphur makes it even more environmental friendly
1. Sweden 2. Norway 3. Costa Rica 4. Germany 5. Denmark 6. Switzerland 7. Austria 8. Finland 9. Iceland 10. Spain