Gulf Solvo Chem - PGCT® Introduction & Key Features Applications The Process Environmental Benefits Output Tables
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Economical Energy Solution from Gulf Solvo Chem Gulf Solvo Chem – PGCT is a LOW COST ENERGY SYSTEM. Replace your pricy liquid fuel operated system with our viable coal/charcoal based fuel operation system. The plant shall give a PAYBACK WITHIN 6 MONTHS of installation if the present consumption of liquid fuel is 1000 Liter per day and above. Upgrade your existing liquid based fuel technology with our Gulf Solvo Chem – PGCT, your existent liquid fuel system still can be maintained as standby. GSC– PGCT (Producer Gas Creation Technology) is a Coal Gasification Plant. It converts coal/ charcoal based solid fuel into purified producer gas. The better the purity of the coal, higher and cleaner shall be the output of the producer gas. Introduction
Applications Gulf Solvo Chem – PGCT generate producer gas. As compared to a diesel based energy system, coal gasification systems operate on one–third (1/3 rd ) cost of the former. Statistically, it may be seen that 1 litre of diesel costing 67 INR (July, 2014) is equivalent to 3 kg of coal which is available at a meager cost of 21 INR (for 3 kg; July, 2014). Some key applications of the this may be seen in : – Steel, Forging, Rolling, CRCS. – Cement, Lime, Ceramic. – Furnace (Steel Reheating, Chemical Cracking) – Power Generator (Captive Power Plant ) – Utility equipments (Boiler, Thermic Fluid heater, Hot Air Generator for Dryer). Some Other Key Points to be noted about the process may be: – No Modification on Operating Equipments. (Furnace, Kiln, Dryer, Heater etc…) – Based on application Gas Fuel Burner or Dual Fuel Burner will be installed – Total integrated system is provided by us to operate with nominal modification.
How It Works (images should appear adjacent)
Environmental Benefits Gas combustion reduces pollution as compared to direct solid fuel & furnace oil fired system. Low amount of particulates and smokeless emission of flue gases. Up to 35 to 50 % reduced Sulfur emission Negligible Tar in gas leading to lesser maintenance for burner nozzles. The ash obtained at the bottom is wet ash and can be used in various possibilities such as fertilizers, brick formation, etc. Flue gasses are discharged at temperatures more than 100 o C without Sulfur condensation in the chimney. Low Turn down Ratio. Net effect of a Cleaner, Greener, Healthier Environment.
Upgrading an already existing System
Solid Fuel Quantity to Replace 1 Litre of Fuel
Standard Producer Gas Model