AQUINNAH Randhi Belain WAMPAN0AG Bret Stearns WEST TISBURY Judy Sibert TISBURY Richard Townes EDGARTOWN Peter G. Shemeth CHILMARK Dan Bryant OAK BLUFFS Peter Martell GOSNOLD Seth Garfield DUKES COUNTY Chuck Cotnoir EMERGENCY MANAGER TEAM
Winter Weather Preparedness Tips Your Emergency Management Team encourages everyone to take preventive measures to ensure their safety and reduce the risk of winter storm damage
Tune to 92.7 FM & CTV Channel 14 For local Announcements & Recovery Status
CELL PHONES Do NOT dial 911 Do NOT dial 911 Dial to report an emergency CALL ONLY for Life Threatening Emergencies CALL For non-life threatening help and advice Emergency Phone Numbers
New England has a history of severe winter storms, blizzards, and nor’easters. Such storms are often accompanied with power outages and transportation disruptions that may last for several days THE RISK OF WINTER STORMS ON CAPE COD & THE ISLANDS
Storm Surge Most winter storms bring the Cape and Islands both storm surge and high winds, making our coastline particularly vulnerable to damage Because the coastline is a highly developed, infrastructure, is at significant risk of damage if a storm should coincide with a high tide there is an additional layer of vulnerability and associated risk
PREPARE Prepare for the possibility that you may need to stay in your home for several days after a winter storm Assemble a Storm Supply Kit where you can reach it easily, even in the dark Also include winter specific items such as rock salt, sand and your snow removal equipment
Winter Storm Supply Kit Flashlight with extra Batteries & Emergency Lanterns and Fuel Battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio To receive Emergency Information and Tune to WMVY Extra food and water to last 3-4 days High-energy food, such as dried fruit or candy, and food requiring no cooking or refrigeration is best
Winter Storm Supply Kit NNNNon-electric can opener - many forget! CCCCheck your supply of medicines and Infant items Have a 3-4 day supply on hand CCCCheck your Home & Vehicle Fuel Supply To Help others in greater need, order more only if you have less than one weeks supply on hand FFFFirst aid supplies
Emergency heat source such as a fireplace, wood stove. Test these units regularly to ensure they are working properly Be sure you have proper ventilation while using these heat sources ! Fire extinguisher and Battery Operated Smoke Detectors You may be at greater risk while using alternative heating devices
If you find yourself in need do not hesitate to for advice and aid Extended Power Outage Report road hazards Report spills Report accidents not involving injuries Report Dead Animals Anything that requires the attention of our Civil agencies Call 3-1-1