Chapter 3 questions Who were Prometheus and Epimetheus?


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3 questions Who were Prometheus and Epimetheus? What gifts did Epimetheus give to animals? How did Prometheus make humans superior? Explain the second version of creation—the five ages of humanity? What do they show? How did Prometheus anger Zeus? How and why was Pandora created? What torture was inflicted on Prometheus? Why did Zeus flood the earth? Who were the two survivors? How were the stone people created?

Who were Prometheus and Epimetheus? 1. Prometheus and Epimetheus were the two Titans in charge of creating men and animals. Prometheus, whose name means forethought, was very wise, but Epimetheus, his name means afterthought, was a scatterbrained person who invariably followed his first impulse and then changed his mind.

What gifts did Epimetheus give to animals? Before Epimetheus made man, he gave all the best gifts to the animals, strength and swiftness and courage, fur and feathers, wings and shells—until no good gift was left for mankind.

How did Prometheus make humans superior? Prometheus fashioned mankind in a nobler shape than the animals, upright like the gods; then he went to heaven, to the sun, where he lit a torch and brought down fire, a protection to men far better than anything else.

Explain the second version of creation—the five ages of humanity Explain the second version of creation—the five ages of humanity? What do they show? The gods experimented with different metals. They tried gold, then they switched to silver, then brass, bronze and finally iron. Each successive generation was inferior to the first; hence the belief that sons are inferior to their fathers.

How did Prometheus anger Zeus? Prometheus had not only stolen fire for men, he had also arranged that humans should get the best part of any animal sacrifice and the gods the worst. He cut up an ox and wrapped the good edible parts in the hide, disguising them further by piling entrails on top. Beside this heap he put another of all the bones, dressed up with cunning and covered with shining fat, and bade Zeus choose between them. Zeus took up the white fat and was angry when he saw the bones.

How and why was Pandora created? Zeus was mad at Prometheus so he swore to be revenged, on mankind first and then on mankind’s friend. A great evil was made for men, a sweet and lovely thing to look upon, a maiden named Pandora. Each god gave her gifts, which is what her name means, “the gift of all.” Pandora’s box: Her curiosity caused mankind’s sufferings. The gods presented her with a box into which each had put something harmful and forbade her open it. One day she lifted the lid, and out flew plagues, sorrow and mischief; in her terror she closed the box and only one good thing was left—hope.

What torture was inflicted on Prometheus? Each day an eagle would feast on Prometheus’ liver; and each night his liver would grow back. Prometheus suffered this punishment daily.

Why did Zeus flood the earth? Men grew so wicked that finally Zeus decided to destroy them. He sent a flood which lasted for 9 days and 9 nights.

Who were the two survivors? The two survivors were Deucalion and Pyrrha; they had made a chest to keep them safe from the flood.

How were the stone people created? Pyrrha and Deucalion picked up stones and threw them; as they fell they were transformed into humans. They were called the Stone People.