Ephesians & Colossains Written from: Roman Prison Date: 61/62 (?) Themes: Eph - Saved from sin - saved for good works. The purpose of the Church is to reveal God’s mystery in the unity of all humanity Col. - New life in Christ, new priorities, Christ is the focus of how God works in this world
Paul lived in Ephesus for 3 years on his third missionary tour. From Ephesus he and his co-workers evangelized the western areas of Asia Minor. Ephesians is written from prison (3:1). –Rome, maybe Caesarea He writes an encouraging letter to the churches that they maintain their unity in Christ with one another.
Another significant theme is the type of life one is to live as a Christian. Ephesus and the other cities in the area were very immoral cities and the Christians needed strong directions for living that life. “Live for the praise of his glory” 1:12 2:8-10 – our salvation is a gift, we don’t earn it by good works –Saved from sin – saved for good works
Purpose of the Church –To help people grow to spiritual maturity 4:11ff. –To show the world there is a place where one can find love, acceptance, kindness, peace, etc. chs. 2 & 3 (ex. Jews & Gentiles) –To maintain the unity God has already established 4:1-3.
The same type of living is to be shown in family life: Eph 5:21 “Be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ.” –Wives & husbands –Children & fathers –Slaves & masters In our struggle against evil God has given us many weapons – 6:10 Truth, righteousness, gospel of peace, faith, salvation, word of God
There is no indication in his letters or in Acts that Paul had much to do with starting the Church. It was likely established during Paul’s 3 year ministry in Ephesus. –“The whole population of the province of Asia, both Jews and pagans, heard the word of the Lord” (Acts 19:10). –Paul’s co-workers probably went throughout the region; Paul likely did as well (at least parts of it).
Colossae is about 100 miles from Ephesus. Epaphras, a native of Colossae (4:12), may have started the Church (1:6f.). Other members included: –Philemon (Phm 1) –Apphia (Phm 2) –Archippus (4:17) –Onesimus
Occasion of the Letter Epaphras had visited Paul during his imprisonment. He reported the Church was doing well (1:6; 2:5-7). But they needed help in dealing with some teachings that were problematic for some. It may have been a relatively new congregation.
The False Teaching It demoted Christ from the center of faith 1:13-20; 2:9ff. Probably a mix of gnosticism, Jewish mysticism, and other Greco-Roman traditions.
In contrast, Paul focuses on the central role of Christ in creation and salvation. He is the head of the Church and in him the fullness of deity dwelt (1:19). “He is the image of he invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible,.... He himself is before all things, an in him all things hold together.” 1:15ff.
Followers of Christ are not to be the same as the world – controlled by evil desires, impurity, passion and greed. 3:5 We must not have these in our lives either: anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive language, lying, etc. 3:8f.
Evidently, the false teaching had led to an immoral life style. Paul is concerned that such living would harm the church and its families. –Encourages them to have compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience - 3:12 –Encourages wives, husbands, children, slaves, and masters to live as living for the Lord – 3:18-4:1. In the midst of a wicked world, Christians are to live as if Christ really is the one that gives us direction and purpose.