The Han Empire 206BCE-220CE A. Civil War Accompanied fall of Qin dynasty 1. Liu Bang Established New Dynasty Commoner and soldier-thought to be illiterate 206 BC-185 BC B. Social/Political hierarchy established that privileged scholars Scholar--> farmer--> artisan--> merchant . Increased centrality of Confucianism Imperial academy established Important relationships Father- son Older brother- younger brother Husband- wife Friend- friend Ruler- subject
2. Emperor Wu made knowledge of Confucianism Important Imperial academy Made Confucian classics known 3. How do we know? Court Historians Sima Tan then Sima Qian- imperial court historian made history an important subject ( everything recorded) Confucianism emphasized tradition and continuity Scholars came together to codify women’s roles in society must be self sacrificing Serving others esp. men ( fathers, husbands, brothers…) The imperial academy (elite) expanded from 50 to 30,000
B. Militarism 1. Large scale expansion Into the west to open markets for silk trade Except in south east 2. Tributary system - gift exchanges Military Went to central Asia to find allies against Xiongnu Strength was the crossbow Horses in Bactria against opposing calvary 300, men Ages (1year training- 1 year service; could be recalled)
D. Population shift from North to South 74%- 26% 2 CE ( first census) population (North-South) 54%- 46% ~150 CE (North-South) E. Economic growth 1. Much state control Liu bang invoked monopolies to pay for government needs Later taken away by future emperors New natural resources -natural gas Salt mining Paper Compasses Redesigned plow Horse breast trap Opened silk routes Iron developed technique of melting and molding iron (later developed steel)
F. Later Han Dynasty, CE 1. Growing border threat 2. Oppression of Peasants G. Fall of Han: 184CE-220CE 1. Yellow Turban Revolt 2. Court Factions 3. Empire broken up among warlords Compare and Contrast the fall of Rome with the Fall of the Han.