Apache Ant Presented by Donato Testardo Nathan Stark
What is Ant -(A)nother (N)eat (T)ool “Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like make, without make's wrinkles.” -
Where Did Ant Come From? Ant was originally designed specifically for building TomCat Created by James Duncan Davidson Soon after TomCat was donated to Apache, several other open source projects realized the usefulness of Ant Ant became its own independent project in January 2000 First official realse of Ant was 1.1, released on July 19, 2000 Latest version is 1.6.2, released on July 16, 2004 Four years of development, and still always improving
How Does Ant Work Uses time stamps to limit compilation Ant’s XML file major components –Projects –Properties –Targets –Tasks Java Javac Javadoc Mkdir Delete Custom…
Extending Ant Task functionality written in Java Extended as an XML Task Node
ClassPaths ClassPath –PathElement path –PathElement location –Path and Location as ClassPath Attributes –Other ClassPath Elements (using '*' to specifiy multiples) dirset - groups of directories. fileset - groups of files. filelist - lists of explicitly named files
Other Things Command line arguments - Time stamps - - can be used with nested nodes. –Timestamps set properties in the build
Advanced Features Instant Message – SQL – CVS – Build Number XMLValidate Style CleanImports – JspC Junit
Integration Eclipse JEdit - AntFarm plugin JDeveloper IDE - AntMan JBuilder IDE – AntRunner Jext – AntWork Gel IntelliJ IDEA 2.0 Java Development Environment for Emacs NetBeans / Sun ONE Studio Oracle9i JDeveloper
ANT GUIs ANTidote - x.html x.html Antelope - Ant2Svg – not really a GUI
Antidote ScreenShot
Other Apache XML Products Xerces - XML parsers in Java, C++ (with Perl and COM bindings) Xalan - XSLT stylesheet processors, in Java and C++ AxKit - XML-based web publishing, in mod_perl FOP - XSL formatting objects, in Java Forrest - XML/XSLT-based framework for project documentation and website development, based on Cocoon Xang - Rapid development of dynamic server pages, in JavaScript SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol Batik - A Java based toolkit for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Crimson - A Java XML parser derived from the Sun Project X Parser. XML Security - Java and C++ implementations of the XML signature and encryption standards Xindice - A native XML database. XML Commons - focussed on common code and guidelines for xml projects XMLBeans - XML-Java binding tool with 100% support of XML Schema.