Diocese of Port Pirie Year the Family Growing Families  


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Presentation transcript:

Diocese of Port Pirie Year the Family Growing Families  

Year of the Family Prayer Heavenly Father, you bless us with the gifts of life and love so powerfully present in our midst through families. In praise of your gifts we offer you in return our commitment to love and care for one another as family – as our own family, as church family and as part of the great human family. In whatever state of life we find ourselves, whether married or single, widowed or divorced, clergy or religious, young or elderly or in complicated situations, may your love be real and deeply felt. . Growing Families  

Bestow your blessings on mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. Bless brothers and sisters. Embrace those who are alone and feel that they are abandoned. Make us one family for you are Our Father, and we your children. Make our home a dwelling place of love, respect, understanding, forgiveness and support.  In sickness and in health, in poverty and plenty, in joy and in sorrow, may we never give up on each other, may we never give up on our families, may we never give up on your extraordinary gift of family life. We ask the intercession of the Mary, our mother and Joseph, her spouse, who cared for Jesus in Nazareth, who is our Lord for ever and ever. Amen Growing Families  

Diocese of Port Pirie Year the Family Growing Families  

Called to Change the World Verse 1 We’ve gathered in your name Our hearts won’t be the same We’ve heard your Word A fire starts It’s time for us to go United hand in hand Together we will stand One people, one body, Called to change the world...

Chorus Showing love for all to see Walk by faith so we can be   Chorus Showing love for all to see Walk by faith so we can be The hands and feet of Jesus, a witness in His name. Bringing peace to every heart Giving hope for a new start

Verse 2 To every land we’ll go To let all people know God’s love is there For everyone Just open up your heart The Spirit guides the way With courage for each day One people, one body, Called to change the world...

Chorus Showing love for all to see Walk by faith so we can be The hands and feet of Jesus, a witness in His name. Bringing peace to every heart Giving hope for a new start

Bridge Just like Jesus sent them out so long ago Go into the world and tell the Good News Chorus Showing love for all to see Walk by faith so we can be The hands and feet of Jesus, a witness in His name. Bringing peace to every heart Giving hope for a new start   © 2014 John Burland and Ashley Reede

Diocese of Port Pirie Year the Family Growing Families