Central Territory Missionaries
Majors Philip & Sheila Davisson Booth University, Canada Major Philip: Associate Dean for Continuing Education Helps professors with online courses & creates new courses Major Sheila: Spiritual Life Coordinator Coordinates worship & small group ministry Teaches Spiritual Formation & Discipleship
Majors Philip & Sheila Davisson Booth University, Canada Prayer Requests/Praise Reports from the Davissons Wisdom and strength as we work with others We celebrate that we are extending our time here for another three years! May God continue to use us here at Booth University College.
Majors Robert & Rae Doliber Haiti Division Major Robert: Divisional Secretary for Business Major Rae: Divisional Human Resources Director
Major Violet, Captain (Dr.) Felix & Matthew Ezeh Port of Spain,Trinidad Major Violet: Corps Officer, Divisional Secretary for Women’s Ministries, Administrator Josephine Shaw House Captain Felix: Corps Officer
Major Wes Green International Headquarters Appointment: International Auditor
Captains Sergii & Tatiana Kachanov Nanaimo, Canada Appointment: Pastors Lead Sunday services at The Salvation Army Nanaimo Community Church Lead weekly Bible studies Oversee Community Care ministries Provide spiritual care for congregation & employees Lead Sunday School Conduct children’s midweek meetings
Captains Sergii & Tatiana Kachanov Nanaimo, Canada Prayer Requests/Praise Reports from the Kachanovs For wisdom and inspiration from The Lord to lead God’s people in His truth and mercy May those who are gifted become courageous to step in and take responsibilities in serving the needy For a dedicated leader for the youth ministry
Captain Christopher Marques Japan Territory Appointment: Assistant to the Territorial Youth Secretary Planning youth events, creating curriculum, grading Corps Cadets lessons, supporting youth Visiting several corps each month
Captain Christopher Marques Japan Territory Prayer Requests from Captain Marques Encouragement for Christians. Christians make up less than 1% of Japan’s population. Families and children – Parents work many hours, bullying rates are high at schools, suicide rates are high
Commissioners William & Nancy Roberts International Headquarters Commissioner William: Chief of the Staff Commissioner Nancy: World Secretary for Women’s Ministries
Major Cindy Shellenberger Elizabeth East, Australia Appointment: Corps Officer at the Playford Corps The corps has vibrant worship services, men’s fellowship, youth activities, and prayer meetings
Captains Andrew & Melissa Shiels Evan & Ellie Riga, Latvia Appointment: Riga 1 Corps Officers