In the beginning…
GENESIS 12:1 God begins to layout his plan of redemption for the world. God promised Abram a land, seed and blessing. But he didn’t show him where he was going. God disciplines us by limiting our view, so that we HAVE to have faith in him. This forces us to trust HIM.
Do you want to live a life characterized by faith? 5 Lessons…
1: TRUST THAT HE KNOWS AND HE CAN DO IT. “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you…” Gen 12:1 If God challenged you in this way, would you go?
2: TRUST GOD’S TIMING 10 years passed from the time of the initial promise to the time in Gen 12:3. Perhaps since he didn’t see God move, he imagined his own human way of God’s plan. God hadn’t revealed that he was going to give him a son yet. Have you seen many years pass by as you are waiting for God’s promise?
3: Trust God’s Word In Gen 12:8 Abram wants to know “how” will it happen. Don’t ask for signs and wonders. God’s Word and Promise is ENOUGH. We need to leave that as is, but we don’t always do that. Have you asked: “…but how are you going to do this God?”
4: TRUST GOD’S PLAN …even if it doesn’t make sense! God predicted the future to Abram: 430 years of slavery, about their suffering and Egypt. God knew the plan even though it didn’t make sense to Abram. These things took place. NOTHING that happens in our lives is NOT part of God’s plan. He has a plan for you, even if it doesn’t make sense at the moment.
5: TRUST GOD’S HAND …even when life is not fair Joseph’s role was to preserve God’s people. His life wasn’t easy, but he had the right perspective. When he was in trouble, He called out to God and God was always with him. He saw God’s hand at work. Even when it’s not easy, God is still at work. Do you see God’s hand in your suffering?
Hebrews 11:23-29 …Good Ol’ Moses By faith…
By Faith… Notice that Hebrews doesn’t account for his mistakes, discouragements, self confidence, anger and murder he, only accounts for the faith that he had. God still used Moses in spite of his weaknesses. He uses ordinary people like me and you. God doesn’t look for perfection, he looks for a teachable heart.
FACTS Exodus is the History of the Nation of Israel It was written by Moses While Genesis focuses on individuals, Exodus is more about a people group, the narration of what happened to the Hebrew people. The main theme was Moses as deliverer and mediator of the people
STAGES & PLACES Verse 1-12 – EGYPT [BONDAGE] Verse – On the way to Mount Sinai [DELIVERANCE] Verse – Mount Sinai [A NATION SET APART]
Seasons of life… …Seasons of Moses
Just like the times and seasons change, our lives also change. We cannot stay in one season because that limits our growth. God uses all of the seasons to teach us something different. God calls us to embrace each season and be joyful with everything that life brings.
1:DELIGHTFUL SEASON Exodus 1: 1-7 –Jacob and his family went to meet with Joseph from Canaan to Goshen (Egypt). [70] people in total. 200 years passed from the time that they moved until the Pharaoh that knew Joseph died. At this time there were 1 MILLION Israelites. They multiplied and were fruitful in the land of Egypt. In our lives there are seasons of joy, delight, and pure enjoyment. At this time God reminds us of his loving kindness.
OUR RESPONSE A Thankful heart. James 1:17 says “Every good gift and perfect gift is from above…” Enjoy this season, because its not going to last forever.
2:DIFFICULT SEASON Exodus 1: 8 – The new ruler had no idea who Joseph was. Circumstances changed. V. 8, they put slave masters over them to oppress them. God allows certain things in our lives to remind us of our Inadequacy. We can’t handle it all, we say “God I need you…I can’t do this…”
OUR RESPONSE DRAW from his strength. To say “I can’t, but you can…” Cling to HIM in this season, let him guide you. This is a moment of tremendous growth in your character. He is more committed in building your character than he is to preserving your comfort.
3:DANGEROUS SEASON Exodus 1: 15 – The birth stool [2 stones] plan isn’t working to kill all male baby. Mid wives didn’t kill them because they feared God. Second plan was to throw them down the Nile, But God was again at work. Miriam found him with the daughter of Pharaoh, our lives are the same. We have dangerous seasons.
OUR RESPONSE REST in God’s sovereignty. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you…” Isaiah 26:3 We have to know that God is in control, just like Moses, there will be a plan, even if it seems that we’re not going to make it. Don’t spend this season worrying.
4:DISOBEDIENCE SEASON Exodus 2: 11 – this was a bad moment for Moses. He murdered someone, he knew he was doing wrong. God Didn’t disqualify him, instead he prepared him further for the task. [40 years] Sometimes we put God in the back of our pocket, and we disobey. But he is still at work. He uses this to remind us his forgiveness and his kindness.
OUR RESPONSE REPENTANCE. Know that God doesn’t want us to sin, but if we do and when we do, he is still at work in our lives. He doesn’t forget his promises because you weren’t faithful. He is faithful even when we’re not.
5:DESERT SEASON Exodus 2: 15 – Pharaoh tried to Kill Moses. He fled for his life to Midian and spent 40 years there. God uses this to strip Moses from pride, self sufficiency and any tendencies from his royalty background. This is the time when we feel empty, discouraged, dry and we don’t sense God. Spend time in his word, but nothing there, pray but nothing there.
OUR RESPONSE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT. God is faithful, even when you can’t feel him or see him. Just keep walking, keep moving, walk through the desert. Sometimes we ask God to take us out of the desert, but he leaves us there. Sometimes God humbles our arrogance, to know we can’t do it on our own strength.
6:DESPERATE SEASON Exodus 2: 23 – They were desperate. They were groaning for help. Sometimes we feel like we’re at the end of the rope. It’s a good place, because we turn to Him.
OUR RESPONSE CRY OUT PRAY HARDER and SCREAM for HELP. Be Desperate for him. Depend on him fully
EMBRACE ALL SEASONS In delightful seasons, He REFRESHES In Difficult seasons, He STRENGTHENS In Dangerous seasons, he CONTROLS what happens Disobedience Season CONVICTS Desert Seasons REPAIR us Desperate Seasons SUSTAIN us