Offering Goal: $2,100,000
“… As faithful stewards of the manifold grace of God, speak and serve with speak and serve with the strength God provides so that He receives praise.” 1 Peter 4:10-11
Celebrate God’s UNLIMITED Grace Serve with God’s UNLIMITED Gifts Pray for God’s UNLIMITED Glory Prayer Points
$2,020,288$1,994,456 $2,103,665 $1,888,351 $1,962, Margaret Lackey Giving
UNLIMITED WITNESS through Gospel missions Volunteer Missions
Community Ministry UNLIMITED SERVICE among our neighbors
UNLIMITED COMMUNITIES for growing disciples New Church Starts
UNLIMITED COMPASSION during life’s disasters Disaster Relief
UNLIMITED ENCOURAGEMENT for mission service Camp Garawya
UNLIMITED GUIDANCE for life’s trajectory Central Hills
UNLIMITED INCLUSION in the Gospel’s power Cross Cultural
UNLIMITED FREEDOM through the grace of God Criminal Justice
UNLIMITED UNDERSTANDING through the Gospel message Language Ministry
UNLIMITED OUTREACH from our home ports Port Ministry
UNLIMITED FELLOWSHIP with Christian purpose College Ministry
Offering Goal: $2,100,000