2 The Abdominal Cavity Digestive System Reproductive System Urinary System Endocrine System Reproductive System
3 Digestive System Main function of the digestive system and its accessory organs is to: take in foods, break them down into simpler molecules which can be absorbed and distributed throughout the body Two types of process Mechanical Chemical
4 The Digestive System Esophagus Tube connecting Pharynx to Stomach Stomach Curved, Muscular Sac, located below the diaphragm, to the right of the spleen and partly below the liver Mixes partially digested food with stomach secretions and pushes them into the small intestine Small Intestine About 7 meters long and 2.5 centimeters in diameter Digestion is completed here Wastes go to the Large Intestine
5 The Digestive System Large Intestine About 2 meters in length and 7 centimeters in diameter Solids pushed to the rectum, liquids absorbed back into the body Liver Large brown organ located in upper right quadrant, directly below the diaphragm Breaks down harmful substances, stores nutrients, manufactures bile Is fragile and easily injured, can bleed severely
6 The Digestive System Pancreas Straw colored tube located below and behind the liver and stomach Produces insulin and pancreatic juices. If damaged, painful inflammation of organs can occur Gall Bladder Pear shaped sac attached to underside of liver Storage place for bile
7 The Digestive System Appendix Small, blind pouch near the union of the large and small intestines, in the lower quadrant Common source of inflammation. Rupture is a medical emergency
8 Peritoneum The inside lining of the abdominal wall Sensitive to irritation Causes guarding response Can be detected by rigidity of the wall HOWEVER Retroperitonial organs, including kidneys and bladder do not trigger irritation Possible to loose significant blood without signs or symptoms of abdominal injury
9 The Urinary System Kidneys (2) 12 cm x 5 cm Bean shaped organs on each side of the abdominal cavity near the back of the rib cage Regulate fluid volumes and remove wastes from the blood Bloody or smoky urine: Suspect Kidney injury Urinary Bladder Hollow sac behind pubic bone connected to Kidneys via ureters (2) Reservoir for urine before it leaves body via urethra
10 The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems Endocrine System Glands, including pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, ovaries, testes, and pancreas Secrete hormones into the blood Very well protected, not normally of concern to First Aid Reproductive System Concerns for emergency child birth