Analysis & Interpretation: Individual Variables Independently Chapter 12.


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Presentation transcript:

Analysis & Interpretation: Individual Variables Independently Chapter 12

Basic Statistics: Categorical Measures Categorical Measures Categorical Measures Frequency Analysis Frequency Analysis Valid percent Valid percent Cumulative percent Cumulative percent

Frequency Analysis Outliers Outliers Histogram Histogram

Confidence Intervals: Proportions “A projection of the range within which a population parameter will lie at a given level of confidence, based on sample statistic.” “A projection of the range within which a population parameter will lie at a given level of confidence, based on sample statistic.” Sampling error: Sampling error:

Basic Statistics: Continuous Measures Continuous Measures Continuous Measures Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics Sample mean Sample mean Sample standard deviation Sample standard deviation Source:

Basic Statistics: Continuous Measures Converting to Categorical Measures Converting to Categorical Measures Judgment Judgment Client’s predetermined structure Client’s predetermined structure Media split Media split Cumulative percentage breakdown Cumulative percentage breakdown Two-box technique Two-box technique

Confidence Intervals: Means Same idea Same idea Equation: Equation:

Hypothesis Testing Null hypothesis Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis Alternative hypothesis Significance level Significance level “The acceptable level of error; refers to the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true” P-value P-value “The probability of obtaining a given result if in fact the null hypothesis were true.”

Hypothesis Testing What does this mean? What does this mean? If p > α If p > α If p < α If p < α

Hypothesis Testing Categorical Variables Categorical Variables Chi-square tests Chi-square tests Continuous Variables Continuous Variables T-Tests T-Tests