Electronic reporting in Poland 27th Voorburg Group Meeting Warsaw, Poland October 1st to October 5th, 2012 Central Statistical Office of Poland
2 Overview Introduction Description of the survey Population Coverage Data collection Past practices New practices Operational efficiencies gained from new practices Next steps
3 Introduction electronic BS questionnaire Report on turnover of business services which is used as a tool of the survey Evaluation of business services related activities the first reference period for data collection by means of electronic questionnaires each respondent has its own account at the reporting portal and can fill in questionnaires in on-line version Exception: enterprises with the number of persons employed 5 and less in 2009 reorganization of the data production process each regional office cooperates with the CSO in the scope of selected surveys and is in charge of processing data collected within those surveys from entities from all over the country
4 Description of the survey Survey Evaluation of business services related activities compilation of annual information on the value and the structure of turnover with the breakdown into product and residence of client methodology was elaborated within the works of Eurostat’s Working Group on Services Statistics was launched in 2010 with the first reference year 2009 Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 58/97 of the Council of 20 December 1996 as well as the Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 march 2008 concerning structural business statistics
5 Description of the survey Further use of data: in compilation the index of services production which recommends the use of data on turnover at the product level as the weights for services producer price indices
6 Description of the survey BS questionnaire Report on turnover of business services consists of three parts: 1st part – respondent identification: name and place of residence, number of National Official Business Register REGON, symbol of Polish Activity Classification (PKD) as well as some contact information 2nd part – data collection on turnover by residence of client (the percentage of turnover broken into residence of client: residence in country, in countries of the European Union and in countries outside the European Union) 3rd part - information on the total value of turnover as well as the value of turnover from the sale of individual products
7 Population Coverage All enterprises with the number of persons employed 10 and more which run the following business services related activities: IT activities: software publishing (58.2 by NACE Rev.2), computer programming, consultancy and related activities (62 by NACE Rev.2), information service activities (63 by NACE Rev.2) legal activities (69.1 by NACE Rev.2) accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy book- keeping and auditing activities (69.2 by NACE Rev.2) management consultancy activities (70.2 by NACE Rev.2) architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy (71.1 by NACE Rev.2) technical testing and analysis activities (71.2 by NACE Rev.2) advertising (73.1 by NACE Rev.2) market research and official opinion polling (73.2 by NACE Rev.2) employment activities (78 by NACE Rev.2)
Data Collection Survey Evaluation of business services related activities was introduced to official statistics in 2010 with the first reference year 2009 BS questionnaire Report on turnover of business services works only in electronic version However … the profits resulted from new practices can be considered on the basis of experiences acquired from the pilot studies (conducted within the works of Eurostat’s Working Group on Services Statistics) the present survey during its functioning in the reference years
Data Collection Past practices 9 pilot studies 2003 surveyed activities by NACE Rev. 2: IT: 58.2, 62 and 63 accounting and management consultancy: 69.2 and 70.2 architecture and engineering (71.1) advertising (73.1) enterprises ( units): all large 25% sample of medium and small enterprises response rate: 28% 2004 surveyed activities by NACE Rev. 2: legal activities (69.1) technical testing and analysis (71.2) market research and opinion polling (73.2) employment activities (78) enterprises ( units): all large and medium 45% sample of small enterprises response rate: 20%
Data Collection Past practices 10 regional offices sent out paper questionnaires designed regarding the type of services activity respondents covered by settled sample frame via post 1 month return of fulfilled questionnaires to regional offices via post after 1 month contact with respondents who did not delivered the required data data registration in electronic database and control final analysis and datasets acceptation grossing up and final results compilation regional offices and CSO
Data Collection Past practices voluntary participation in survey response rates 2003 – 28% 2004 – 20% coverage of enterprises with the number of persons emloyed 9 and less 11
Data Collection New practices the most significant differences: implementation of electronic reporting system specialization of regional offices in 2010 ten different BS questionnaires were replaced by one integrated electronic questionnaire: BS Report on turnover of business services 12
Data Collection New practices 13 survey sample frame preparation in Generator of sample frames Base of Statistical Units sample frame placement on the reporting portal respondents are automatically informad about reporting obligation provision of information concerning reporting account via regular post login to reporting portal and fulfillment of questionnaire return of fulfilled questionnaires to regional office 1 month reminder after 14 days 1 month closure of reporting portal after 3 editions of survey data control, corrects’ introduction, data comparing with other surveys 2 months the end of year after the end of reference year non-response estimation and final dataset acceptation
Data Collection New practices Operational efficiencies gained from new practices as far as the response rate is concerned it is not proven that access to the electronic questionnaire improve it reduction of number of statisticians’ contacts with respondents due to control procedures carried out at the stage of on-line reporting data the possibility of making logical errors is minimized reduction of statisticians’ burden at the stage of manual inserting data to the IT survey system high share of reporting units which choosed the electronic questionnaire costs savings of printing, correspondence, phone calls, data analyzing and inserting into the IT survey system 14
Data Collection Next steps integration of BS questionnaire Report on turnover of business services with SP questionnaire Annual survey on enterprises widening the coverage of survey by the population of enterprises with the number of persons employed 9 and less (for example every 5 years) 15
16 Thank you for your attention