Organ Donation in DCD: 10 Year Experience at the University of Michigan A Rojas-Pena, MD; L Sall, BS; K. Koch, BS; E Cooley, RN; M Gravel, RN; R Bartlett, MD; J Punch, MD; S Pelletier, MD University of Michigan Health System Department of Surgery, Section of Transplantation and the Extracorporeal Life Support Program
2 DCD History at UM Large transplant program + large extracorporeal life support (ECS) program 2000, both programs were combined Extracorporeal support (ECS) resuscitate and recover abdominal organs in controlled DCD (Maastricht category III) when the family requests organ donation Successful recovery / transplantation of kidneys, liver and pancreas Initial experience reported in 2005 with 20 ECS- DCD Magliocca, et al. The Journal of trauma 2005;58(6): ; discussion
3 Objectives Retrospective review of DCD program: –10-year experience –cases between October 2000 to August 2010 Update UM first series study on ECS assisted donation in controlled DCDECS-cDCD
4 Methods Potential cDCD abdominal organs OK for procurement after dead Recipient outcome data of: –Kidneys and livers procured and transplanted at UM only RR technique (RR-DCD group) vs ECS technique (ECS-DCD group)
5 DCD selection <65yo/ Maastricht type III –Severe irreversible brain injury NO BD criteria Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on MV and/or life support Cardio-circulatory arrest after planned withdrawal of life support Family for donation –Consent for cannulation No contraindications to transplant grafts
6 UM – ECS circuit
7 Final DCD at UM Donor Type Potential (n) Excluded (n) Reason for Exclusion ECS5013 Prolonged CA = 11 Sx complication = 1 Positive Serology = 1 RR294 Prolonged CA = 4 37 ECS-DCD & 25 RR-DCD
8 ORPD & OTPD Rates Organs Recovered (n) Organs Transplanted (n) DCD typeKLP ORPD ORPDKLP OTPD OTPD ECS-DCD RR-DCD Total at UM ORPD: Organs Recovered per Donor / OTPD: Organs Transplanted per Donor / K:Kidney; L: Liver; P: Pancreas January-June 2011 DCD: 2.45 ORPD & 2.0 OTPD / Discard rate: 18% 2.45 ORPD & 2.0 OTPD / Discard rate: 18%
9 Summary of the ECS run Variable Initiation of ECS Termination of ECS pH7.099± ±0.027 SVO 2 (%) 45.5± ±3.2 PaCO 2 (mmHg) 55.5± ±2.4 SaO 2 (%)84.4± ±3.4 K + (mmol/L) 6.1±0.84.9±0.5 SVO 2 : mixed venous oxygen saturation; PaCO 2 : Partial pressure of Carbon Dioxide; SaO 2 : Arterial Blood Saturation
10 ECS-DCD Complications Complication(n)%Management & Outcome ECS flow (<45mL/kg/min) Converted to RR = 3 DCD ECS continued = 1 DCD Cannulation (No vascular access) 25.4 Converted to RR = 1DCD No Recovery = 1 DCD Bleeding 12.7 No Recovery Aortic Balloon 12.7 No Recovery
11 UM Outcomes Renal Grafts 37 patients (5 yr follow up) DGF: Need of HD within the first week post-transplantation - 50% due to hyperkalemia DCD Type Renal Tx (n)DGFPGNF ECS2931%3.5% RR864%3.5%
12 Graft Survival Rates 89% 77% 66% US graft survival rate:
13 Outcomes Livers 20 DCD liver recipients Full records / HIPPA (3 year follow up) Recipient MELD score = Donor Type Liver DCD (n) 1 year survival 3 year survival ECS786%69% RR1371%62% National (Cadaveric) --82%72% Ischemic cholangiopathy: 15% (both groups)
14 Take Home Message DCD Organ Recovery - Technique ComparisonIssues RR- DCD ECS-DCD Organs DonatedKidneys / Selective livers All, except heart 30% GoalDeep cooling / metabolism Restores circulation and 0 2 / normal Metabolism Time to Organ Procurement UrgentElective Cold StorageRoutine / Pump Perfusion ?? Organ Assessment Pump perfusion / Transplant Recovery./ pump perfusion / Transplant LimitationsRapid cooling / WI / OR logistics Cannulation and ECS management Post Tx Function40-60% DGF8-30% DGF
15 Acknowledgments ECLS Program Staff Pula Baldridge, RN –Manager Sheri Bignall Faculty Jonathan Haft –ECLS Director Gail Annich –ECLS co-Director George Mychaliska Robert Bartlett ECLS Lab Lauren Sall Kelly Koch Transplant Team Jeff Punch –Director Transplant Program Swan Pelletier Larry Slate II –Chief Transplant perfusionist