Mental Health A Key Component of Wellness… Handle With Care! PPL 301
What is Mental Health? It is more than the absence of mental illness It is more than the absence of mental illness It is a state when everything is working well for you It is a state when everything is working well for you It is a continuum, never static and always changing It is a continuum, never static and always changing It may suffer when things in your life go wrong It may suffer when things in your life go wrong
Mental health: "a state of well- being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community“ Mental health: "a state of well- being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community“ World Health Organization What is Mental Health?
“Mental Health is the emotional and spiritual resilience which enables us to enjoy life and survive pain, disappointment and sadness. It is a positive sense of well being and an underlying belief in our own and others dignity and worth. Health Education Authority (1997) – Mental Health Promotion Quality Framework
Mentally Healthy Person A mentally healthy person is able to respond in a positive way even when things do not go as expected. A mentally healthy person is able to respond in a positive way even when things do not go as expected.
Mental Health The “thinking” part of health The “thinking” part of health Includes Includes –Values –Attitudes –Beliefs
Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person 1. Feel Comfortable about Themselves can experience all human emotions but are not overwhelmed by them can experience all human emotions but are not overwhelmed by them Can accept many of life’s disappointments in stride Can accept many of life’s disappointments in stride
Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person 2. Feel Right about Other People Feel comfortable with others and are able to give and receive love Feel comfortable with others and are able to give and receive love Are concerned about interests of others and have relationships that are satisfying and long lasting Are concerned about interests of others and have relationships that are satisfying and long lasting
Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person 3.Are Able to Meet the Demands of Life can respond to problems, accept responsibility, plan ahead and establish realistic goals can respond to problems, accept responsibility, plan ahead and establish realistic goals
Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person ***NOTE*** Even mentally healthy people experience stress, frustrations, feelings of self doubt, failure and rejection at times throughout their lives
Consider these key CHARACTERISTICS when assessing your own mental health: Ability to enjoy lifeAbility to enjoy life – Can you live in the moment and appreciate the “now”? Are you able to learn from the past and plan for the future without dwelling on things you can’t change or predict? ResilienceResilience – Are you able to bounce back from hard times? Can you manage the stress of a serious life event without losing your optimism and a sense of perspective? BalanceBalance – Are you able to juggle the many aspects of your life? Can you recognize when you might be devoting too much time to one aspect, at the expense of others? Are you able to make changes to restore balance when necessary? Self-actualizationSelf-actualization – Do you recognize and develop your strengths so that you can reach your full potential? FlexibilityFlexibility – Do you feel, and express, a range of emotions? When problems arise, can you change your expectations – of life, others, yourself – to solve the problem and feel better?
Some Facts and Figures One in five people experience mental health problems in their lifetime At any one time, one in ten people have moderate to severe depression It is estimated that one in seven people are experiencing mental health problems Mental illness is the second leading cause of hospital admissions for people 20 – 44 years old 50% of people know someone with mental health problems
We All Have Mental Health Issues!
Mental Health Continuum Raving Mad! Optimum Mental Health
Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health –Enhanced ability to cope with stress –Improved self esteem –Improved body image –Greater confidence –Increased assertiveness –Sense of achievement and mastery –Improved mood –Sense of fun –Improved sleep patterns –Greater socialisation –A sense of control over life
Mental Health Disorders Depression Depression –Persistent sadness, despair and hopelessness Anxiety & Panic attacks Anxiety & Panic attacks –Feelings of threat and anxiousness in coping with everyday problems Phobias Phobias –Fear of a specific object, activity, or situation Schizophrenia Schizophrenia –Irrational behavior, severe alterations of the senses (hallucinations) and sometimes inability to function in society.