KBOR Conference June 13, 2012 Kansas Postsecondary Data with Business Intelligence Reporting
Original Charge Senate Bill (SB) 345 Charged KBOR with developing a system of collecting, maintaining, and providing data analysis through a uniformed postsecondary database. ► Provide Uniformity of Data Definitions ► Maximize State Resources ► Analyze State Policies with Regard to Economic and Demographic Factors ► Develop Core Indicators or Quality Performance
Foresight 2020 Achieve alignment between the state’s preK-12 and higher education systems and continue to enhance alignment between higher education institutions. Achieve participation in the state’s higher education system that better reflects the state’s demography and more fully engages adult learners. Achieve measureable improvement in persistence (retention) and completion (graduation) rates for higher education institutions across the state. Ensure that students earning credentials and degrees across the higher education system posses the foundational skills essential for success in work and life. Enhance alignment between the work of the state’s higher education system and the needs of the Kansas economy. Enhance the regional and national reputation of Kansas universities through aspirational initiatives.
SLDS Grant American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Statewide Longitudinal Data System (ARRA SLDS) Collaborative Effort between KSDE and KBOR
ARRA SLDS 2009 – Grant Application Business Intelligence Model Tracking Students Across Departmental and Geographical Boundaries Linking Licensure, Credentialing, and Workforce Data ► Department of Labor, Kansas Board of Nursing ► New Data Collections (Independents, Private Postsecondary, Financial Aid) ► Data Integration (IPEDS) ► Adult Learner Integration Electronic Processes 2010 – Awarded 2011 & 2012 – On-going Implementation
BI Accomplishments in 2011 & 2012 Stakeholder Survey Completed in April 2011 Standardization of Reports in 2011 “Features” Matrix and Vendor Demonstrations in 2011 Vendor Selection and CEO Approval January 2012 Information Builders’ WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Software Suite CITO Approval in April 2012 Purchase of WebFOCUS software in April 2012 Installation of software in May 2012 Software Training in May 2012
Information Builders WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Tool Enterprise Business Intelligence Software Suite Dashboards Query and analysis tools Mobile BI Guided Ad Hoc Reporting Integrated with standard desktop products (Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF) Dynamic Report Distribution Optional products: Predictive Analytics Web-driven Transaction-Based Processing
In Progress Training Report Creation and Conversion Testing
Introductory Demonstration Please Note: Data in demonstration is test data and may not reflect your institution’s live dataset. Please Note: These are preliminary templates. KBOR staff and beta testers’ formatting suggestions will be considered.
Introductory Demonstration
Preliminary Timeline Beta Testers Sign up by Friday, 7/13/2012 Testing of reports: July 2012 – January 2013 Reports LIVE: February 2013 Board Meeting
Primary Contacts Kathleen (Kat) Nolan Porta (785) Mahmoud AlBawaneh (785) Cynthia Farrier (785)
Next Steps Please contact Kat Nolan Porta during the conference or at if you are interested in being a beta
Questions Questions welcomed Please attend an in-depth demonstration of more WebFOCUS tools tomorrow morning, 8:00 am, with Information Builders’ Sherri Sahs and KBOR’s Kat Nolan Porta.
Thank you