What is the International Baccalaureate? The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers rigorous, high quality programs of education to a worldwide community of schools. Three programs for students aged 3 to 19 help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. IB programmes promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth through all domains of knowledge.
IB Mission Create a better world through education Promote intercultural understanding and respect Encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right
IB mission statement MYP DP Introduced in 1997 For ages 3-12 Focuses on the development of the whole child in the classroom and in the world outside Introduced in 1994 for ages Provides a framework of academic challenge and life skills through embracing and transcending traditional school subjects Introduced in 1969 for ages A demanding two- year curriculum that meets the needs of highly motivated students, and leads to a qualification that is recognized by leading universities around the world The IB continuum PYPMYPDP Programme standards and practices IB learner profile
Programmes : What is the Learner Profile? It’s the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21 st century. IB learners strive to be: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective
The Seven Survival Skills for Careers, College, And Citizenship 1.Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 2.Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence 3.Agility and Adaptability 4.Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5.Effective Oral and Written Communication 6.Accessing and Analyzing Information 7.Curiosity and Imagination from The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Don’t Teach The New Survival Skills Our Children Need—And What We Can Do About It, by Tony Wagner (Basic Books, 2008)
College Success “…the single most important factor in determining college success is the academic challenge of the courses students take in high school.” “…many IB students describe their first year in college as one in which they encounter little for which they are not prepared intellectually.” “IB epitomizes the coherent curriculum focused on postsecondary success.” From College Knowledge: What It Really Takes for Students to Succeed an What We Can Do to Get Them Ready by David T. Conley (JOSSEY-Bass publishers 2005)
IB and 21 st Century Learning IB Learner Profile Thinkers Knowledgeable Principled Open-minded Caring Balanced Communicators Reflective Risk-takers Inquirers 21 st Century Skills Critical Thinking and Problem- Solving Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination
DIPLOMA PROGRAM (DP) Grades 11 & 12 Prepares students for university and encourages them to: - ask challenging questions - learn how to learn - develop a strong sense of their own identity and culture - develop the ability to communicate with and understand people from other countries and cultures.
STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN DP OPTION 1: DIPLOMA STUDENT Must successfully complete: Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Action, Service Extended Essay 6 DP courses Language A1 (English) Second Language Experimental Sciences The Arts Mathematics and Computer Science Individuals and Societies OPTION 2: CERTIFICATE STUDENT Student successfully completes one or more IB courses OUR GOAL: All students would take at least 1 IB course in grade 11 or 12
UNIVERSITY RECOGNITION The IB diploma is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. The IB works closely with universities in all regions of the world to gain recognition for the IB diploma. The following list is a sample of schools in the Northeast that recognize the IB diploma: Amherst College Colby College Northeastern University Babson College Cornell University University of Connecticut Bates College Dartmouth College University of Massachusetts Bentley University Emerson College University of New Hampshire Boston College Emmanuel College University of Pennsylvania Boston University Harvard University University of Rhode Island Bowdoin College Ithaca College University of Vermont Brandeis University Johns Hopkins University Williams College Brown University MIT WPI Bryant University Middlebury College Yale University A full list of colleges and universities is available on the IB website.
DP CORE REQUIREMENTS Extended essay limit of 4,000 words investigate a topic of individual interest independent research and writing skills expected at university.
DP CORE REQUIREMENTS Creativity, action, service (CAS) encourages students to be involved in: –artistic pursuits –sports –community service work fosters students’ awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena
DP CORE REQUIREMENTS Theory of knowledge (TOK) –interdisciplinary –exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines –encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives
DP CORE REQUIREMENTS Language A1 (Native Language) Language A2 (Second Language) Individuals and Societies Mathematics and Computer Science Experimental Sciences The Arts
ASSESSMENT IN THE DP At the end of the two-year program, students are assessed both internally and externally in ways that measure individual performance against stated objectives for each subject. Internal assessment carried out and graded by teachers moderated by external examiners External assessment conducted and overseen by teachers marked externally by examiners
TEACHER TRAINING FOR ALL IB PROGRAMS Before authorization: Level 1 training – required Level 2 and 3 – strongly encouraged After authorization ongoing PD: IB workshops and conferences online discussion and special events on the IB’s website for teachers, the online curriculum centre (OCC)online curriculum centre reviewing relevant support materials published by the IB online and/or in print
DP SCHOOL AUTHORIZATION The authorization process, which may take two or more years, consists of two phases. Feasibility study and identification of resources The school makes an in-depth analysis of the philosophy and curriculum, and identifies the resources needed to deliver it. School visit On receipt of a formal application to teach the programme, a delegation appointed by the IB visits the school and reports on the school’s capacity to deliver the programme. If the outcome is positive, the school becomes authorized to offer the programme and attains the status of IB World School.
Action Plan Engaging Stakeholders/Feasibility Stage: Spring 2011 Teacher Presentations Parent/Community Presentations School Committee Presentations Visit IB Schools Kennebunk High School – ME Bedford High School – NH East Hartford High School – CT (Charter) Sturgis Charter School – Hyannis MA Professional Development : Summer 2011 Administrators Coordinator C.A.S. Extended Essay Teachers Develop Curriculum: Summer and Fall 2011 Administrators Trained Teachers Coordinator Begin Application for Authorization: School Year 2012
Information for this presentation was taken from the International Baccalaureate website For more information please visit